Cant insert image in editor

What am I doing wrong? I have 3.0.6 version. Can use wycwyg editors only when using links of images. When trying browse I get 404. Both editors are nor working for image insert.

Any help is appreciated.

Please check if folder images has 0777 permissions


No, id doesnt help.

404. Cant find, In both editiors.

Hello smatisen,

Thank you for your message.

The problem requires the examination on your server. Please contact us via Customer Help Desk and provide temporary access to your server by clicking on the Add record link on the Access information page of your Help Desk account so that we could examine the issue.

Thank you.

Pavel Zyukin

CS-Cart Support team

We have trial yet. So no help if trial? Wonderfull wonderland.:-)

very bad then. trial showing that soft is buggy.

Some screenshots or a step-by-step concise description of what you are doing and when the 404 error is happening may help. Your initial description of the issue isn't clear enough.

If you receive a 404 error in the WYSIWYG editor, it is most likely caused by incorrect file permissions or your installation files are corrupt or missing.

I just have checked permissions. Have to set right 777 to skins and vars as manual tell.

Here are steps

  1. I open any page where editor is used. Trying to browse for images actually pressing on it.
  2. Getting 404 not found error.

    I can still upload images on site via ftp and use it that way but this is… you know…

Is your /images/ folder and its subdirectories 777 permissions too?

Hve changed for subs also. No changes

It's something to do with your installation alone. I just checked several different versions and they all work properly. The only folders you will be able to see are the ones inside /images/.