Call Request

Phone number must be 10 digits minimum and mandatory !

How can we do it ?


for version 4.x:

  1. go to menu “Administration” → “Profile fields” and set field as mandatory
  2. minimal phone length is already set as 10 so please make sure that in settings of your phone field (see point #1) class “cm-phone” is used

    best regards,

    WSA team

We need to setup minimum and mandatory on call requests.


Please replace:


Regular experssion for the phone format can be edited in js\tygh\core.js file:

var regexp = /^[\s()+-]*([0-9][\s()+-]*){6,20}$/;

And do not forget to clear cache

I changed the Phone mask in the addon's settings (Add-ons>Manage Add-ons>Call Requests) so that the validation matches US phone number format, which means I set mine to (999) 999-9999. The phone number appears to be required by default, but that doesn't prevent a user from just entering ONE character in the field and submitting the form.

In the above example of the regular expression, wouldn't I just change {6,20} to {10,20} to require a minimum of 10 characters for all phone number fields?

[quote name='Magpie Don' timestamp='1433532390' post='217558']

In the above example of the regular expression, wouldn't I just change {6,20} to {10,20} to require a minimum of 10 characters for all phone number fields?


You can always try and inform us about the result. But please note that this regular expression works with the default cm-phone class only