Bulk export orders not possible in cscart?

Hi guys,

I need to export 2700 orders . The export has 10 pages with each page only have 250 orders. Everytime i export only 250 orders are exported. Is there any way i can export all 2700 orders at once ? very frustrating to such basic function is not available?

There is no such 250 limit for orders export. It’s either a server setup/resoure limit or you have setup a range of 250 orders only.

I think you are refering to the default 250 orders per page. We use 500 (more than 500 will slow down a lot your server/page). In order to have more than 250, add the &items_per_page=500 at the end of the URL - in my case would be https://www.mysite/whatever.php?dispatch=orders.manage&items_per_page=500.

You can simply proceed to the Settings > Export data > Orders page to export each order in your store.