Bug; Stripe & Vendor to Admin Payment (Accounting)

Problem Description:
Marketplace accounting as well as Vendor accounting shows the wrong numbers, from what is charges by Stripe (should show the exact amount that Stripe pays out). The Vendor Dashboard shows wrong balance after purchase, this can’t be correct, right?

Platform fee: 10%

Vendor Dashboard shows 45 euro (incl. tax) - before payout
Vendor Accounting shows: 45 Euro (incl. tax)
Admin Accounting shows: 5 Euro (incl. tax)

Stripe Accounting shows (Vendor payout) : 43,47 Euro
Stripe Accounting shows (Admin payout) : 48,30 Euro

Stripe: Destination Charges

Example show below, with pictures:

Product cost; 40 Euro (50 Euro incl. tax - 25%):

How the order look (Vendor view):

How Accounting look (Vendor View):

How Accounting look (Admin View):

How Stripe Dashboard - Order look (Vendor View)

How Stripe Dashboard - Order look (Admin View)

Any thoughts on this?

Bump this thread up since it’s a vital part of doing business in every country (Accounting dosn’t add up = BAD).



It seems like the Stripe processing fees are subtracted from the order, at the Stripe’s dashboard. Currently, Stripe processing fees do not take part in calculating accounting transactions in Multi-Vendor.

We have noted this situation and probably the current behavior will be improved in future versions.

@CS-Cart_team , seems to me that this doesn’t concern you too much? Is this problem/ big not important to CS-cart?

Since no information matches the other, how are the vendor supposed to keep track and do the accounting properly?

  • There is no invoices between Admin and Vendor, showing the marketplace fee or the Stripe fee.

  • The accounting core function doesn’t work with Stripe and doesn’t show the Stripe fee.

  • Stripe dashboard doesn’t show the information (this seems pretty obvious, how could it?).

As a Vendor, how to keep track of what to actually receive for the order/purchase?

As a Admin, how to keep track of what the Vendor should receive - since they can withdraw request more than they are supposed to receive (and Admin ends up pay the Stripe fee out of their own pocket)?

These questions need to be answered, they are extremely important as a business!


In case when payment from the Stripe Connect payments add-on is used, vendor can check the balance in the accounting, just has to keep in mind that the Stripe processing fees were subtracted from this vendor’s orders. The other way is use other payment methods.

In case you are using the Stripe Connect payments addon’s payment method, I may assume that funds from the order are already split in right proportion between you and vendor, so there is no need for vendor to create a withdrawal.

Hi @CS-Cart_team ,

There is so many faults here, with this system, for accounting purpuses that I might not be abel
to specify them all.

When a sale is made on the marketplace, the invoice is made in the vendors name - as “Seller”.
The invoice is sent to the customer for accounting purpuses.
So far everything is correct.

When the Vendor recieve the funds, there will be a large chunk of it missing; Marketplace Fee & Stripe Fee.
Now the invoice dosn’t match recieving funds = unbalanced accounting (illeagal)

Even the accounting on the marketplace is wrong (this is terrafying since CS-cart is build with
Stripe Out-of-the-box, and “improved” in version 4.16.x).

Example of a normal transaction:
Sales: $100
Marketplace Fee: 10% ($10)
Stripe fee: 2% ($2)
Recieved funds (Vendor): $88

Example of the unbalanced accounting as of today:
Accounting shows: $100
Cost of sales (fee’s, etc.): $0
Disposible funds (according to Accounting): $100
Recieved funds (Vendor): $88
Missing from accounting: $12 (illeagal)

Even if you somehow can make use of the CS-cart accounting, to extract the Marketplace fee ($10);
Disposible funds: $90
Missing from accounting: $2 (illeagal)

A government dosn’t allow you to turn in an unbalanced book, this raises questions that no one can answer.
There always have to be a, balanced, Debit & Kredit in accounting.

Requirements to solve this issue;
Invoice from the Marketplace to the Vendor, specifying Marketplace Fee & Stripe Fee.
This should be sent to etch Vendor after etch order is placed.
This is extremly important!

Why havn’t this problem been taken care of in the last 16 major updates?

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Also @CS-Cart_team , why is my post locked for only CS-cart staff to see?
This is a whole wide customer base problem and please should be abel to give their insight to it.
Why have you locked it?

“Only visible to members of groups: admins, moderators, staff, trust_level_0”

Bug tracker forum branch is only available for the confirmed members of the forum.

Thank you, @CS-Cart_team for answering the non-essential question in prior.

Please focus on the problem, the illeagal activities in accounting that your platform provides.
Would you please answer my first response;

There is so many faults here, with this system, for accounting purpuses that I might not be abel
to specify them all.

When a sale is made on the marketplace, the invoice is made in the vendors name - as “Seller”.
The invoice is sent to the customer for accounting purpuses.
So far everything is correct.

When the Vendor recieve the funds, there will be a large chunk of it missing; Marketplace Fee & Stripe Fee.
Now the invoice dosn’t match recieving funds = unbalanced accounting (illeagal)

Even the accounting on the marketplace is wrong (this is terrafying since CS-cart is build with
Stripe Out-of-the-box, and “improved” in version 4.16.x).

Example of a normal transaction:
Sales: $100
Marketplace Fee: 10% ($10)
Stripe fee: 2% ($2)
Recieved funds (Vendor): $88

Example of the unbalanced accounting as of today:
Accounting shows: $100
Cost of sales (fee’s, etc.): $0
Disposible funds (according to Accounting): $100
Recieved funds (Vendor): $88
Missing from accounting: $12 (illeagal)

Even if you somehow can make use of the CS-cart accounting, to extract the Marketplace fee ($10);
Disposible funds: $90
Missing from accounting: $2 (illeagal)

A government dosn’t allow you to turn in an unbalanced book, this raises questions that no one can answer.
There always have to be a, balanced, Debit & Kredit in accounting.

Requirements to solve this issue;
Invoice from the Marketplace to the Vendor, specifying Marketplace Fee & Stripe Fee.
This should be sent to etch Vendor after etch order is placed.
This is extremly important!

Why haven’t this problem been taken care of in the last 16 major updates?

Thank you for your patience.

It turns out that version 4.16.1 will have a small improvement related to this matter: the Accounting page will have automatically-generated commentaries next to transactions that include Stripe commission.A comment will appear next to all future transactions and will look like this:

Stripe commission included: $4.5

In fact, you can already apply these changes in version 4.15.2, using the .diff file below:
7fbca5dfe63b2a128897678a082bbeb33d4bbe99.diff (7.9 KB)

Also want to note, that the fastest way to receive answers to a topic of interest - is to contact us via Help Desk, since here at forums, we cannot guarantee answers in every topic, however we try our best.

That’s all I can add on this topic for today.

@CS-Cart_team Thank you for your reply!

We had a meeting today with our legal & accounting consultant, the solution you have provided is what is needed - as bare minimum for a legal solution of accounting.
The best solution would be seperate invoice generated between Admin & Vendor for etch sale.
An example:

Customer place order from Vendor; $50
Automatic invoice generated between Vendor & Customer for the sale; $50
Automatic invoice generated between Admin & Vendor for the commission (10%); $5
Dependning on if it’s a “Delayed” transfer with stripe, the invoice (Admin to Vendor) should also contain Stripe Fee (ex. 1.4% + $0.25); $0,95 (Stripe fee is calculated on Sales amount, not commission fee)

Another feature that would be really, really, good is an “Export” button for accounting, both for Vendor & Admin, which export all information as a Excel, PDF or CSV file - for easy handling.

Another feature would be an easy way for Admins & Vendors to view invoices, to sort them and export them. Should be as a seperate tab - not under Order or Accounting, but a seperate one called “Invoices”.


Thank you for the reply, I have shared your thoughts on this with the developers and project manager.

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I would like to inform you that there is no information in Accounting about Stripe fee, in version 4.16.1.
What is wrong, why wasn’t this included (as mentioned above) in the new version?

Admin Dashboard:

Admin Accounting:

Vendor Accounting:


Please contact us via Help Desk on this matter. The necessary changes were included in the 4.16.1 version, so it requires examination in your installation.