Brands & Features

all of my products are from same brand, use brand feature to define a shape or a pattern of the product, with it each of the element gets seo name and a dedicated page.

In product details page brand above price gets a link where once clicked you see other similar products (I guess its better then using tags), but same brand in features is without a link, how to set it to be also a link ?

all of my products are from same brand, use brand feature to define a shape or a pattern of the product, with it each of the element gets seo name and a dedicated page.

In product details page brand above price gets a link where once clicked you see other similar products (I guess its better then using tags), but same brand in features is without a link, how to set it to be also a link ?

Looks like you mean product tab with features? In this case transfer code with link from




Hmm, not working for me

{foreach from=$product_features item="feature"}
    {if $feature.feature_type != "ProductFeatures::GROUP"|enum}
{$feature.description nofilter}{if $feature.full_description|trim}{include file="common/help.tpl" text=$feature.description content=$feature.full_description id=$feature.feature_id show_brackets=false link_text="" wysiwyg=true}{/if}:
    {if $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::MULTIPLE_CHECKBOX"|enum}
        {assign var="hide_affix" value=true}
        {assign var="hide_affix" value=false}

    {if $feature.features_hash && $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::EXTENDED"|enum}
{if $feature.prefix && !$hide_affix}{$feature.prefix}{/if} {if $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::SINGLE_CHECKBOX"|enum} {if $feature.value == "Y"}{/if} {elseif $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::DATE"|enum} {$feature.value_int|date_format:"`$settings.Appearance.date_format`"} {elseif $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::MULTIPLE_CHECKBOX"|enum && $feature.variants}
    {foreach from=$feature.variants item="var"} {assign var="hide_variant_affix" value=!$hide_affix} {if $var.selected}
  • {if !$hide_variant_affix}{$feature.prefix}{/if}{$var.variant}{if !$hide_variant_affix}{$feature.suffix}{/if}
  • {/if} {/foreach}
{elseif in_array($feature.feature_type, ["ProductFeatures::TEXT_SELECTBOX"|enum, "ProductFeatures::EXTENDED"|enum, "ProductFeatures::NUMBER_SELECTBOX"|enum])} {foreach from=$feature.variants item="var"} {if $var.selected}{$var.variant}{/if} {/foreach} {elseif $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::NUMBER_FIELD"|enum} {$feature.value_int|floatval|default:"-"} {else} {$feature.value|default:"-"} {/if} {if $feature.suffix && !$hide_affix}{$feature.suffix}{/if}
{if $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::EXTENDED"|enum && $feature.features_hash}
{/if} {/strip}


{foreach from=$product_features item=“feature”}
{if $feature.feature_type == “ProductFeatures::GROUP”|enum && $feature.subfeatures}
{include file=“views/products/components/product_features.tpl” product_features=$feature.subfeatures}

Please apply the following changes

This does work indeed! Mucho gracies senior! :)

one more problemo. Brand short list display brand link as blue, as default link color for . But in tab features I am getting such result


and css color for div p is grey, how to fix it ?

Ok I renamed


and it worked, hope its good solution.

Why the heck by default any feature is not a link to list of products with same feature?

Why the heck by default any feature is not a link to list of products with same feature?

This question should be addressed to CS-Cart developers :)