Beta 3 Bugs Galore!

I did a fresh install of beta 3 about a week ago and I just now got around to messing with it. I don’t know about beta 2 but beta 3 has even more bugs than beta 1 had. I had a lot more luck working with beta 1 but I can’t seem to do anything in beta 3 without getting a fatal error here and there or just simply buttons not responding and/or no button at all.

Problems exist whether using IE or FF.

Not sure what CS has been doing but it’s disappointing putting in the time to test something that isn’t even testable.

I heard rumors the fatal errors are “special for testing new upgrade center”…so give the upgrade center a shot and see if the bugs are fixed…

Problem is that most of the addons have this problem:

“PHP Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference”

For example, I get a Fatal error trying to access the General Setttings page under admin.


Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in …/addons/suppliers/func.php on line 39

line 39: $cache[$supplier_id] = fn_get_user_info($supplier_id, NULL, $no_profile);

Fixed version

line 39: $cache[$supplier_id] = fn_get_user_info($supplier_id, $is_null = NULL, $no_profile);

You must pass a variable such as $is_null. Passing a value such as NULL is no longer allowed in PHP 5.1 and up.

Further discussion for anyone interested:


Thanks Hykit for posting the fix.


Yeah, thanks hykit.

Here is another one with the same problem when selecting “Statistics”. In /core/fn.sales_reports.php change line 527 with this:

				$data['conditions'][$v] = fn_get_user_info($v, [COLOR="Blue"]$is_null =[/COLOR] NULL, true);

[quote name=‘Tool Outfitters’]Yeah, thanks hykit.

Here is another one with the same problem when selecting “Statistics”. In /core/fn.sales_reports.php change line 572 with this:

$data['conditions'][$v] = fn_get_user_info($v, [COLOR="Blue"]$is_null =[/COLOR] NULL, true);[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the fix Tool Outfitters. The line # should be 527 though and not 572.

Ooops!!! Lol