Basket will not empty


I have 2 recurring problems.

  1. If a user clears the basket, the main message says the basket is empty, but the basket block still gives the old total and the number of items that are supposedly in it.

    If I click on the link in the basket block for the number of items I get the message that the basket is empty but the total and items remain. This seems to happen for every user and just keeps building up.

  2. Even though my shipping settings are correct (at least I think they are!), I am getting customers from outside the UK reporting that they are unable to order. When it first happened I thought it was the customer’s fault but it has just happened again and when I tried it as a guest I too was unable to order. Can’t figure out why for the life of me!

    Please help! :wink:

    Thanks, Ade

    p.s. the site is

Hello, Adrian

The problem requires the investigation on your server. Please contact us via Customer Help Desk and provide us with a temporary access to your server.