Austalian GST invoices

Does any add-on cater for Australian GST (10%) in the following scenarios?

I am mainly concerned about the customer invoice, I can generate the invoice to the vendor easy enough.

Marketplace operator registered for GST (always true)

Scenario 1
Vendor IS registered for GST
Some products include GST some don’t (the invoice must include the words Tax Invoice)

Scenario 2
Vendor is NOT registered for GST (and so none of the products include GST, and the invoice can not include the words Tax Invoice)

Scenario 1 requires

Monthly fee

  • invoice from marketplace to vendor includes GST
  • the invoice must include the words “Tax Invoice”

Transaction invoice

  • commision includes GST marketplace invoice to vendor includes GST
  • the amount of GST
  • the invoice must include the words “Tax Invoice”


  • marketplace commission 5%
  • customer purchases
    1 item @ $110 includes GST
    1 item @ $50 GST free

invoice from marketplace(vendor) to customer $160 with seperate line stating includes $10 GST

invoice from marketplace to vendor $8 includes GST of $0.73

Scenario 2 requires

Monthly fee

  • invoice from marketplace invoice to vendor includes GST
  • the invoice must include the words “Tax Invoice”

Transaction invoice

  • commision includes GST
  • marketplace invoice to vendor includes GST with the words “Tax Invoice”
  • the invoice to the customer must NOT include the words “Tax Invoice”


  • marketplace commission 5%
  • customer purchases
    1 item @ $110
    1 item @ $50

invoice from marketplace(vendor) to customer $160 (note no line saying GST included)

invoice from marketplace to vendor $8 includes GST of $0.73

For anyone in Australia here is answer to my own question. With this solution the marketplace is registered for GST and vendors select if they are registed for GST or not. I had already renamed VAT GST at a rate of 10% and each vendor can indicate which products have GST on it or not in the first tab of the product detail screen. I think that allows me to cater for all scenarios.

I worked out how to conditionally input Tax Invoice or Invoice and the ABN.

  1. Created a vendor profile field called “Registered for GST” with variant options of ‘Yes’ and "no’

  1. Renamed the tax number field ABN

  2. Administration/Notifications/Documents

  • select invoice
  • click on the <> to enter the code view
  • paste this code in under <tbody>
      <td style="text-align: center;">
        {% if c.registered_gst == 'Yes' %}
          <h1 style="font-size: 36px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0;">Tax Invoice</h1>
          <p style="margin: 0;"><br></p>
          <h3 style="font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0;">ABN: {{ c.tax_number }}</h3>
        {% else %}
          <h1 style="font-size: 36px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0;">Invoice</h1>
        {% endif %}

Result … if the vendor selects that they have GST The VENDOR SPECIFIC ABN will default in and it will say “Invoice” if they are not registered for GST and Tax Invoice if they are regsitered for GST e.g.

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