Afiliate Code Integartion


I want to add a 3rd party Afiliate program for my website, they give me the code bellow

and I must replace
[*][b]ADD_SALE_VALUE (this must be total order value without VAT and without transportation taxes )[/b]
[*][b]ADD_TRANSACTION_ID ( order id )[/b]
[*][b]ADD_DESCRIPTION (product name)[/b]
Anyone who can tell me how can i do it?

Thank You.


Be very careful. You want this code to be active ONLY if the referral comes from the affiliate. Otherwise you're going to pay them for every order.

You would use a post hook for “checkout:orders_confirmation”. If you don't know what this means, you can search for “orders_confirmation” in the forum, but like I said above, you better ensure you have a way to identify what orders are related to this affiliate only.

My problem is that i don`t know how to replace the 3 variables. [list]

[]ADD_SALE_VALUE (this must be total order value without VAT and without transportation taxes )

]ADD_TRANSACTION_ID ( order id )

[*]ADD_DESCRIPTION (product name)


The template varialbes in the hooks/checkout/ file would be:


So, i added the following code


in file , placed in folder /design/themes/basic/templates/addons/my_changes/hooks/checkout .

Should i do anything else ?

I changed {$} with {$order_info.subtotal} to exclude transportation taxes, but now i need to exclude VAT. Any ideea how can i do that?

{$order_info.product} is not displaying anything.

Thank You.

Personally I wouldn't use iframes. They are very expensive since they basically try to keep multiple sites live in the same browser session. But usually people who use iframes want browser info and more detailed info than someone would normally be willing to reveal. To me, it's a privacy issue.

There are some tax fields. What I'd suggest is that you add the following template comment to your tempalte and then do a view source to see what's there. Then you can grab the value you want.

This was great, but i still don't have a value of subtotal-taxes. I have just a value for subtotal and a value for taxes, is there a way to add a new value {$order_info.xxxxxx} = {$order_info.subtotal} - {$order_info.tax_subtotal} ?

So what's preventing you from using an equation? Either the 'math' function or basic arithmetic.

My recommendation would be to look up the math function and use it.

Thank You verry much.

If there is someone from Romania who want to advertise on cs-cart with 2parale you can see bellow my code .

{math equation=“x/1.24” x=$order_info.subtotal assign=“net_order”}

Hi There!

I'm looking to achive the same thing as jalicu.

I need my afiliate tracking code to send order subtotal minus the 21% vat that is included in the subtotal.

My code looks like this now:

is this the correct adjustment??

[color=#282828][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]{math equation=“x/1.21” x=$order_info.subtotal assign=“net_order”}[/font][/color]

Hope someone knows

Krola that should work, but you will know for sure just if you try it …


I tried inserting the above math equations and all but the resulting link has no values for com_percent and description.

Using {literal} tags doesn't help either.