Affiliate Banners - How to use?

I looked in the KB and the forum, Sorry if this is explained elsewhere but I can’t find it.

Will someone please explain how the Affiliate Banners work?

I assumed i could create a banner which an affiliate could copy the code and paste it into their website.

I have created the banner. I have logged in as an affiliate. I click the banners link. I see the code. When i paste it into a HTML document I do not see results.

I am trying to create instructions for putting one of our banners on an affiliates site but I am unable to explain it.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you might offer :smiley:


That happened to me as well. If you try to see the banner in an HTML editor you might not be able to see it as it is a script. Publish the page, load it and the banner now shows up. The look is the same as what is displayed in the admin panel, the code changes for each affiliate pulling the code (simply &aff_id=xx changes).

Hi GoldBarKid,

Thanks for your time and reply. I have not had any luck. I published the page to a web server (different from the one I run cs-cart on) as an affiliate would do. Maybe you could check this example:


Here is the code I’ve pasted:
