Advanced Import Category

Hi. can we use category mapping, in advanced import. How can simply. Can anyone know and do this??

One of version is coming but when i dont know.

Advanced Ä°mport everyone wants and write uservoice and wishlist 2010. its coming 2018 i dont want to wait 8 years or more than this years. Thanks..

is anyone know this or knows low price addon for this???

Please pay attention to our Categories Import/ Export module


Our XML & CSV Import add-on has category mapping.

i dont want whole import addon only can import products category map can do this?


Our XML & CSV Import add-on has category mapping.

Why didn't CSC use Simtech's version instead of creating a half-baked version?

i dont want whole import addon only can import products category map can do this?

Do you want to import only categories? Or products with categories?

Products with categories. Because if the category names are not the same, you can not select which product in which category.

Products with categories. Because if the category names are not the same, you can not select which product in which category.

Then you can use our add-on. Category mapping can not come without product import itself. And I think custom development to add category mapping in default advanced product import will be more expensive than our add-on.

Thanks i wait many years ago this addon to cs-cart and my commerce site is not groving up some reasons maybe if add products be quick, maybe groving a little bit faster. soo i dont have much money too give. I think and i wish. cs-cart team don’t wait years more to add this feature

Did anyone do this??