admin user right permission

Dear Sir,

Do anyone have tried to modify the backend so that allow some user to see the credit card information while someone cannot see it.

i have check fn_check_view_permissions but just don’t have any indication on how the cs-cart control it.



You should be able to do that by assigning the admins you want to restrict to the Administrators group. Then you can use the site security stuff to modify who in this group can see/act on what. But it is a one-size-fits-all setup.

Thx for reply! :eek:

When I try to see the file in /skins/basic/admin/common_templates/tools.tpl

{if $tools_list|fn_check_view_permissions} … {/if} Line which root admin can use this tools list, but it will hidden when user is not root admin.

But I don’t not why when i check it in fn_check_view_permissions. all it call simply always return True when it passed the first condition in that function.

So i stuck at here…



I was suggesting that you use the admin capabilities that already exist versus modifying core files.

What is the ‘restricted’ user_id you are working with and what groups are they in?