Admin Menu Text

I created a new addon and created a new admin menu item for it (in scheme file).

But I can’t change the text of the item nor add description like other addons.

How can I do this?

UPDATE: I could change menu text by adding language variable translation from the admin panel.

But, still not able to add description.

And also I have another question here, How can I attach these translations I'm currently making to the addon so that it is automatically added in case I copy the addon to another website?

UPDATE: You can add menu description from the translation panel also by adding “name_menu_description” language variable where name is the same name you used in the scheme file to add the menu item.

<br />
$schema['central']['products']['items']['name'] = array(<br />
    'attrs' => array(<br />
	    'class'=>'is-addon'<br />
    ),<br />
    'href' => 'custom_addon.manage',<br />
    'position' => 500<br />
);<br />

```<br />
Still waiting for this:<br />
[quote][color=#282828][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]How can I attach these translations I'm currently making to the addon so that it is automatically added in case I copy the addon to another website?[/font][/color][/quote]

[quote name='Elsherif' timestamp='1436866669' post='222838']

How can I attach these translations I'm currently making to the addon so that it is automatically added in case I copy the addon to another website?


Please check how it is realized in built-in modules:


[quote name='eComLabs' timestamp='1436873468' post='222877']

Please check how it is realized in built-in modules:



Actually I've found this also but I don't know how to generate a .po file containing my language variables??

Please check this article:

Translation File Format (PO) — CS-Cart 4.0.x documentation

It refers to 4.0.x versions, but the general concept is the same

[quote name=‘eComLabs’ timestamp=‘1436948182’ post=‘222976’]

Please check this article:


It refers to 4.0.x versions, but the general concept is the same


Many thanks :grin: