Adjust central block higher

I am trying to adjust the central block higher so it touches right up (or as near as poss) to the content-tools-helper as dark blue in screenshot but I cant work it out with firebug.

The other problem is it is 2.24 and wont let me get rid of the block title (which is why you can see a full stop),

Anybody help please.



park blbok.JPG


your solutions lies here styles.base.css line 827

.content-tools {

margin-bottom: 13px;
padding: 5px 5px 0 7px;

change you margin accordingly.


Thanks for that Fotis, does anyone have the answer for removing the block title , I have tried removing the wrapper but no cigar.

ver 2.14


why dont you use the empty wrapper.?

But if you need the rest of the styling then do this

go to skins/basic/customer/blocks/wrappers and you will find all wrapper setting files.

For example mainbox_general.tpl

```php {* $Id$ *}

{if $anchor}


{if $title}




You just remove/edit the


Thats all to it.


Tried empty wrapper didnt work ! tried empty wrapper cleared cache still didnt work, grrrrr , tried empty wrapper, manually cleared cache and compiled and browser and did work ? sorry I cried for help too early :confused:

Thanks Fotis for the code help



what wrapper do you use?

Send me via pm your url to have a look.


Is working thanks Fotis, see above post.
