Adding the product name to the "Added to Cart" popup notification

One of our clients would like to make this change, so that the popup window will display BOTH the product name the the description.

For example, if you go to this page: [url][/url]

And click on the Add to cart button, we’d like it to show:

Product added to your cart

Look on about line 87 in controllers/customer/checkout.php (V 2.0.15). You’re looking for a line like:

fn_set_notification('P', fn_get_lang_var($product_cnt > 1 ? 'products_added_to_cart' : 'product_added_to_cart'), $msg);

Modify the $msg parameter just above this line to add the content that you want.

i’m also looking for similar solution,

i want to display product short description in invoice that goes to customers

i tried {$product.short_description|unescape} but it did not show anything

not sure if i’m using right variable

any comment is appreicated

Try $product_description

thnk u for reply,

i tried it but it did not work

btw file i used is

skins/basic/mail/orders/invoice.tpl file