Adding products to the cart when direct payments are active


We’re currently developing an add-on for one of our customers, which involves automatically adding products to the cart.
Customer is using direct payment (separate checkout for each vendor), and we have issues with adding products to the cart in such situation - products from all vendors are pushed into one vendor checkout. As on attached screenshot - products are from different vendors, but they are pushed into ACME corp checkout.

When we add products in a regular way - through the store - they are put in separate sections. This is the effect we’d like to achieve.

Anyone has tried doing something similar? Should we add some specific parameters to the cart in order to make it split?


Please take a look at the controller app/addons/direct_payments/controllers/frontend/separate_checkout.php and its mode add for the POST requests. There you will be able to find out all the magic that happens when you add products to the carts, separated by vendors.


Thanks. Problem has been solved.

Best regards

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