Adding a shipping line to Invoice

Hi There,

I am running a shop that does not have cc payment just fax or phone orders.

I would like to know how (after adding a shipping/handling cost to the order) I can include a line in the invoice with “shipping costs” prior to the total.

Currently it only shows sub-total and total. I have placed “excl shipping” value within the subtotal (languages). But I really would like the cost that is entered for shipping during order processing.

Help most appreciated.

Have you set up your destinations and shipping methods so that shipping charges are calculated? If you have, then your invoice total section should look something like the image below (highlighting is mine).

Your payment methods should have no impact on whether the shipping cost displays.




Mine shows up exactly as you have it on your invoice except shipping shows $0.00 instead of what they were charged which does display on the checkout page and in the total.

Ever seen that before?


[quote name=‘jobosales’]Have you set up your destinations and shipping methods so that shipping charges are calculated? If you have, then your invoice total section should look something like the image below (highlighting is mine).

Your payment methods should have no impact on whether the shipping cost displays.


[quote name=‘standingontv’]Bob,

Mine shows up exactly as you have it on your invoice except shipping shows $0.00 instead of what they were charged which does display on the checkout page and in the total.

Ever seen that before?


Hi Alex-

I’ve not seen that. I am guessing that you modified your invoice and one of your customizations has introduced a problem in invoice.tpl. I’d start rechecking there.

BTW, your site looks great.


Thanks, I’ll check the invoice.tpl. you’re probably right about a mis-modification. Thanks for the help.

Ok, I have a similar question:

in the totals section of the invoice, is there one place that you can edit where the tax info shows up - after the subtotal - to not display (it doesn’t add up first of all - even though the actual total is right, with that extra line stating the taxes, that are already stated above it makes it look like the total is wrong) - across all media (invoice, printable invoice & email confirmation) or does that all have to be done seperately?

Hope there wasn’t too much in one sentence there.