Add To Cart And Other Buttons

I am editing the product detail page, I notice that this code is calling the "add to cart" But also the "add to wishlist" and "comparison buttons"

{$smarty.capture.$add_to_cart nofilter}

Is there a way I can call these individually? I want to put the buttons in different areas.

I would like to to call the add to cart alone, then the wishlist button alone and also the comparison button alone.

For the default product template, please add the following rule to the CSS section of the theme editor:

.ty-product-block__left .ty-product-block__button button, .ty-product-block__left .ty-product-block__button a {
display: block;
text-align: left;


(!) It will be required to play with paddings

Hi, thanks for the reply. Is there a way to call these butttons, I want to place them in different areas of the page. Thanks.

Hi, thanks for the reply. Is there a way to call these butttons, I want to place them in different areas of the page. Thanks.

When the product_data.tpl is called, add the show_list_buttons=false parameter. Buttons will not be displayed in this case.

Compare button code:

            {if $settings.General.enable_compare_products == "Y"}
                {include file="buttons/add_to_compare_list.tpl" product_id=$product.product_id}

Wishlist button code:

{if !$hide_wishlist_button}
    {include file="addons/wishlist/views/wishlist/components/add_to_wishlist.tpl" but_id="button_wishlist_`$obj_prefix``$product.product_id`" but_name="dispatch[wishlist.add..`$product.product_id`]" but_role="text"}

If you want to re-layout the page, suggest you copy the current template, give it a new name and then make your html changes applying the {$smarty.capture.$add_to_cart nofilter} wherever you want. You will then have to change the setting for which template is being used in your Design/layouts area referencing the new block (template).

When the product_data.tpl is called, add the show_list_buttons=false parameter. Buttons will not be displayed in this case.

Compare button code:

            {if $settings.General.enable_compare_products == "Y"}
                {include file="buttons/add_to_compare_list.tpl" product_id=$product.product_id}

Wishlist button code:

{if !$hide_wishlist_button}
    {include file="addons/wishlist/views/wishlist/components/add_to_wishlist.tpl" but_id="button_wishlist_`$obj_prefix``$product.product_id`" but_name="dispatch[wishlist.add..`$product.product_id`]" but_role="text"}

Thank you so much! this is what I was looking for.

Thank you so much! this is what I was looking for.

You are welcome!