Add-on from MC: Advanced customer profile

Dear forum users,

Today, we have released the beta version of the “Advanced Customer Profile” add-on! :tada:

We are excited to introduce our new add-on, which makes the customer’s personal account more convenient, modern, and functional. With the “Advanced Customer Profile”, your clients will enjoy an enhanced interface, a loyalty system, and extended data management capabilities.

What you get with this module:

  • An intuitive and aesthetically pleasing personal account interface.
  • The ability to upload custom images for key interface elements.
  • Integration with a loyalty system to boost customer engagement (compatible with the “Bonus Points” add-on).
  • Easy configuration of routes and tab display in the personal account.

The module is now available in beta version! We welcome your feedback and suggestions for improvements.

:paperclip: Marketplace link
:page_facing_up: Documentation
:video_camera: Short video overview (sorry for Ukrainian UI)

Try the add-on now and enhance the user experience in your online store! :rocket:

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Hello, dear friends!

We are pleased to announce the release of version v1.0.0 of our Extended Profile add-on. Below is the list of changes included in this update.

New Features:

  • Added integration with the MC: Authentication via OTP and Passkey add-on.
  • Added integration with the MC: Push Notifications add-on.
  • Added a “Recently Viewed” page displaying products recently viewed by the customer. This page is also available as a tab in the customer profile.
  • The Cart page (checkout.cart) has been added as a tab in the extended customer profile.
  • Bonus Points add-on: The “My Bonuses” (reward_points.userlog) page is now available as a tab in the extended customer profile. The visibility of this tab depends on a new setting in the Bonus Points add-on: “Add tab to profile” in the “Integrations” section.
  • SEO add-on: When installing the MC: Extended Customer Profile add-on, an SEO rule will be automatically created for mc__extended_profile.profile, allowing the extended profile page to have a user-friendly URL.

Changes in Existing Functionality:

  • RF: Custom Order add-on: Improved compatibility with the Retail Factory add-on.

Bug Fixes:

  • Wish List add-on: The wish list item count was calculated incorrectly. Additionally, compatibility issues with the Gift Certificates add-on and third-party solutions have been fixed.

Thank you for using our add-ons! :rocket: