Add more info into order data

Good evening,

how can I, when an order is placed and the record is created in order_data, also store an information about the items from a custom field that exists in the products table?
Do I have to modify a schema file?


Have you checked the data in the cscart_order_details table? It should already contain all the data for the products in the order.

The data i need are custom fields in product table

Are you referring to this notification(s)? Please be more specific - including screenshots - in what exactly is the issue you try to resolve.

You can use the add_to_cart hook and add the necessary data into the $cart[‘products’][$_id][‘extra’] array. Then you will be able to find it in the cscart_order_details table in the extra column, serialized. The example of a “brute-force” solution via my_changes add-on:

use Tygh\Tygh;

function fn_my_changes_add_to_cart(&$cart, $product_id, $_id)
    $auth = Tygh::$app['session']['auth'];
    $cart['products'][$_id]['extra'] = fn_get_product_data($product_id, $auth);




Thanks for your help.
Is this right,

function fn_my_changes_add_to_cart(&$cart, $product_id, $_id)
    $auth = Tygh::$app['session']['auth'];
    $product_data = db_get_row(
        "SELECT availability_label, availability_dur FROM ?:products WHERE product_id = ?i",
    $cart['products'][$_id]['extra'] = [
        'availability_label' => $product_data['availability_label'],
        'availability_dur' => $product_data['availability_dur'],

Yes, that looks to be correct.

Nice, it works for me…
How can i add this extra info to the document invoice template that we send to customer via email?

<td style="padding-right: 20px;" rowspan="2">{{ p.image }}</td>
<td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: left;"><span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-transfrom: uppercase;"><strong style="font-weight: 600;">{{ }}</strong></span></td>
<td style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"><span style="font-size: 11px; font-weight: 400; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: #a8a8a8;">{% if p.product_code %}{{ p.product_code }}<br> {% endif %}{% if p.options %}{{ p.options }}<br>{% endif %}extra info..</span></td>

The modification for this part is much more complex. You can look at the app/schemas/snippets/order_products_table.php schema to familiarize yourself with how it works and how to modify it.