Hi all, i am having some problems using CsCart order API
I need to insert insert new orders using an existing user assigned to a specific wholesale user (with discounted prices). When i create new order CsCart doen’t assign the right prices assigned to the user’s group. Anyone can help me?
Please move your post to the bug tracker. It looks like a bug in API
Ok, i opened a ticket on support help desk.
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Hello @webjuice
Thank you for your messages.
My colleagues have reproduced the issue and forwarded info to our developers.
We’ll inform you here and in the ticket when the problem is fixed.
The bug has been fixed, the fix will be included in the next version.
If you want to apply the fix now, please use the .diff file:
order_api.diff (1.6 KB)
To learn how to apply a diff file, refer to our article.
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