Ad company_data.company_ EMAIL in footer snippet


How do I ad the Email of the vendor to the footer snippets?

Currently it looks like:

{{ company_data.company_name }}, {{ company_data.company_address }}, {{ company_data.company_city }}, {{ company_data.company_phone }}

Would need the code for the email like below!

{{ company_data.company_EMAIL? }}

Thanks for your help.


please try

{{ c.orders_department }}

It is impossible, since snippets could be included into any document, and information about vendor is only included into the order related documents.

Hello, thank you for your replay.
It did not work and I tried several codes also behind the : Please see below:

{{ company_data.company_name }}, {{ company_data.company_address }}, {{ company_data.company_city }}, {{ company_data.company_phone }}, {{ c.orders_department }} {{ company_data.orders_department }}****{{ c.orders_department }}{{ company_dat.orders_department }}

agroswiss, Poststrasse 2, Wynau, +41-62-929-0532,

MISSING DATA: Email of the Vendor

In Code snippets Footer

Please Note the message of CS-Cart Team: It is not possible…
But there should be a possibility to show in the Customer notification Email, beside the name, address and telephon the email address of the Vendor!

Thanks for your attention to this subject.

Is there a way to ad [Ad company_data.company_ EMAIL in footer snippet] ?

Support team said that this is not possible out of the box. So extra development is required to do it