$40 for 10 minutes work!!!

Hi All,

Im looking for someone to make some changes to the admin invoices on our shopping cart.

What we require is the ability to have our invoices printed off on a document like this - [url]integratedlabels.net

The above URL shows an A4 document that has a sticky label in the page that prints the customers address off on for quick shipping. You will see in the attached image the example of what i mean.

I am looking at having this job completed ASAP, payment would be via PayPal.

Please either reply to this post or PM me if you can complete this task.




unfortunately we must pay more or we must make it ourselves.

If this solution provided to you then I can give 10$ ( I need this mod also)

It’s been a while since i designed that invoice, but i still use it and it does save time. I use a different admin invoice and customer invoice.

  1. To use a different admin invoice:

    In /include/admin/orders.php find


    fn_show_template(“orders/invoice.tpl”, $smarty_mail);


    change to


    fn_show_template(“orders/admin_invoice.tpl”, $smarty_mail);


    I think there are two places to change.

  2. Make a new file called admin_invoice.tpl and copy into it


    {* $Id: invoice.tpl 4397 2007-12-06 13:43:15Z zeke $ *}

    {if $order_info}


body,th,td,tt,p,div,span {
font-family:tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif;
th {
p,ul {
.tabular-data {
border:1px solid #000;
.tabular-data td, .tabular-data th {
border:1px solid #000;
.form-field-caption {
.form-title {


{* Invoice header *}


{$order_info.title} {$order_info.firstname} {$order_info.lastname}

{assign var="profile_fields" value='I'|fn_get_profile_fields}
{include file="profiles/profile_fields_info3.tpl" fields=$profile_fields.S user_data=$order_info}

Monster Gear


Portsmouth Road

Thames Ditton



{if $settings.Company.company_phone}
{$lang.phone1_label}: {$settings.Company.company_phone}

{if $settings.Company.company_phone_2}
{$lang.phone2_label}: {$settings.Company.company_phone_2}

{if $settings.Company.company_fax}
{$lang.fax}: {$settings.Company.company_fax}

{if $settings.Company.company_website}
web: www.monstergear.co.uk

{if $settings.Company.company_orders_department}
email: {$settings.Company.company_orders_department}



{include file="addons/barcode/barcode.tpl" id=$order_info.order_id}

{* /Invoice header *}

{* Customer info *}

{assign var="profile_fields" value='I'|fn_get_profile_fields}
{split data=$profile_fields.C size=2 assign="contact_fields" simple=true}

Customer Details

{include file="profiles/profile_fields_info2.tpl" fields=$contact_fields.0 title=$lang.contact_information user_data=$order_info}
{include file="profiles/profile_fields_info2.tpl" fields=$contact_fields.1 user_data=$order_info}

Order Details

{$lang.order}: {$order_info.order_id}

{$lang.date}: {$order_info.timestamp|date_format:"`$settings.Appearance.date_format`, `$settings.Appearance.time_format`"}

{$lang.payment_method}: {$order_info.payment_method.payment}

{if $order_info.shipping}
{$lang.shipping_method}: {$order_info.shipping}


Billing Address

{include file="profiles/profile_fields_info2.tpl" fields=$profile_fields.B title=$lang.billing_address user_data=$order_info}

Shipping Address

{include file="profiles/profile_fields_info2.tpl" fields=$profile_fields.S title=$lang.shipping_address user_data=$order_info}

{* /Customer info *}

{* Ordered products *}

{if $order_info.use_discount}

{if $order_info.taxes}


{foreach from=$order_info.items item="oi"}
{if $settings.Addons.product_configurator == 'Y' && $oi.extra.configuration}
{include file="addons/product_configurator/invoice_configurable.tpl"}
{elseif ($settings.Addons.product_configurator != 'Y' || !$oi.extra.in_configuration) && ($settings.Addons.gift_certificates != 'Y' || !$oi.extra.in_certificate)}

{if $order_info.use_discount}

{if $order_info.taxes}


{if $settings.Addons.gift_certificates == 'Y'}
{include file="addons/gift_certificates/orders/invoice_gift_certificates.tpl"}
{$lang.sku} {$lang.product} Qty {$lang.unit_price} {$lang.discount} {$lang.tax} {$lang.subtotal}
{$oi.product_code|default:" "} {$oi.product}
{include file="common_templates/options_info.tpl" product_options=$oi.product_options}
{if $settings.Addons.promotions == 'Y'}
{include file="addons/promotions/orders/invoice_body.tpl"}
{$oi.amount} {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$oi.price} {if $oi.extra.discount|floatval}{include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$oi.extra.discount}{else} - {/if} {if $oi.tax_value}{include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$oi.tax_value}{else} - {/if} {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$oi.subtotal}

{if $settings.Addons.rma == 'Y'}
{include file="addons/rma/orders/invoice.tpl"}
{* /Ordered products *}

{* Order totals *}

{if $order_info.discount|floatval}

{if $settings.Addons.reward_points == 'Y'}
{include file="addons/reward_points/orders/invoice_info.tpl"}
{if $order_info.shipping_discount.free_shipping=='Y' && $order_info.shipping_discount.discount_id|intval}

{if $settings.Addons.promotions == 'Y'}
{include file="addons/promotions/orders/invoice_info.tpl"}
{if $order_info.coupons}
{foreach from=$order_info.coupons item="coupon" key="key"}

{if $order_info.taxes}

{foreach from=$order_info.taxes item=tax_data}

{if $order_info.tax_exempt == 'Y'}


{if $order_info.payment_surcharge|floatval}

{if $order_info.shipping}

{if $settings.Addons.gift_certificates == 'Y'}
{include file="addons/gift_certificates/orders/invoice_info.tpl"}

{$lang.subtotal}: {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$order_info.display_subtotal}
{include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$order_info.discount}
{$lang.discount} ({$lang.free_shipping})

{$lang.discount_coupon} {$key} ({if $coupon.free_shipping == 'Y'}{$lang.free_shipping}{else}{include file="common_templates/modifier.tpl" mod_value=$coupon.value mod_type=$coupon.value_type}{/if})
{$tax_data.description} {include file="common_templates/modifier.tpl" mod_value=$tax_data.rate_value mod_type=$tax_data.rate_type} {if $tax_data.regnumber}({$tax_data.regnumber}){/if}: {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$tax_data.tax_subtotal}
P&P: Free
{$lang.payment_surcharge}: {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$order_info.payment_surcharge}
{$lang.shipping_cost}: {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$order_info.display_shipping_cost}
{$lang.total_cost}: {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$order_info.total}

{* /Order totals *}
{if $order_info.notes}




{if $content == 'invoice'}

{include file="buttons/continue_shopping.tpl" but_href=$continue_url|default:$index_script but_arrow="on" skin_area="customer"}

{include file="buttons/button_popup.tpl" but_text=$lang.print_invoice but_href="`$index_script`?`$target_name`=orders&`$mode_name`=print_invoice&order_id=`$order_info.order_id`" width="800" height="600" skin_area="customer"}

save the file to /YOUR_SKIN/mail/orders/ . Please note some of my company & web address is hard coded in the template, for asthetic reasons, these would need to be changed to your details.

3. Make a new file called profile_fields_info2.tpl and copy into it
{* $Id: profile_fields_info.tpl 2105 2006-09-13 14:09:27Z zeke $ *}

{foreach from=$fields item=field}
{if $field.field_name}
{assign var="data_id" value=$field.field_name}
{assign var="value" value=$user_data.$data_id}
{assign var="data_id" value=$field.field_id}
{assign var="value" value=$user_data.fields.$data_id}


{if 'AOL'|strpos:$field.field_type !== false} {* Titles/States/Countries *}
{assign var="title" value="`$data_id`_descr"}
{elseif $field.field_type == 'C'} {* Checkbox *}
{if $value == 'Y'}{$lang.yes}{else}{$lang.no}{/if}
{elseif $field.field_type == 'D'} {* Date *}
{elseif 'RS'|strpos:$field.field_type !== false} {* Selectbox/Radio *}
{else} {* input/textarea *}

save the file to /YOUR_SKIN/mail/profiles/

3. Make a new file called profile_fields_info3.tpl and copy into it
{* $Id: profile_fields_info.tpl 2105 2006-09-13 14:09:27Z zeke $ *}

{foreach from=$fields item=field}
{if $field.field_name}
{assign var="data_id" value=$field.field_name}
{assign var="value" value=$user_data.$data_id}
{assign var="data_id" value=$field.field_id}
{assign var="value" value=$user_data.fields.$data_id}

{if 'AOL'|strpos:$field.field_type !== false} {* Titles/States/Countries *}
{assign var="title" value="`$data_id`_descr"}
{elseif $field.field_type == 'C'} {* Checkbox *}
{if $value == 'Y'}{$lang.yes}{else}{$lang.no}{/if}
{elseif $field.field_type == 'D'} {* Date *}
{elseif 'RS'|strpos:$field.field_type !== false} {* Selectbox/Radio *}
{else} {* input/textarea *}

save the file to /YOUR_SKIN/mail/profiles/

I think that's it. Make sure printer margins are set to 5mm left, 5mm right, 20mm top and 20mm bottom.

My /YOUR_SKIN/mail/images/invoice_logo.gif is 220px wide by 60px tall.

That will get you working, you could then change the style to suit your needs. The labels i use are [url]http://www.integratedlabels.net/shop_showProduct.asp?global=1&productID=15103653[/url], if you wanted it to be more of a dispatch note then you could get rid of the prices.

Do make sure you make copies of any files you change first.

If you'd like to make any contributions please send them to snorocket, they can go towards making some more mods for others to use.

Thank you very much.

what is your paypal for donation?

Send donation to snorocket, it can go towards other mods.

ok. … completed

[quote name=‘baballuci’]/YOUR_SKIN/.[/QUOTE]

Thank you! Can you specify what do you mean /YOUR_SKIN/ - there are Customer side and Admin side skins. For instance, I have in Admin “basic” skin, in Customer - “aquarelle_green” skin.


refers to your currently installed skin.

Visit the skin selector so see which one you’ve got installed. The Customer / Admin / Mail could all be different to use the code portions for each area as required

[quote name=‘JesseLeeStringer’] or /YOUR_SKIN/

refers to your currently installed skin.

Visit the skin selector so see which one you’ve got installed. The Customer / Admin / Mail could all be different to use the code portions for each area as required[/QUOTE]

Thank you. I was confuse that admin_ invoice file logically should be in admin side. Now it is clear.

Invoice’s are kept in the /mail/ folder, neither admin or customer :slight_smile: