4 collums category in categorys listed in categorys

Hi i am trying to get the subcategory's listed here http://www.edb-eksperten.dk/hardware.html to show in 4 rows instead of 2.

tay simply get to long in 2 rows so you have to scrole to se the products :-/

Two ways, edit the core template file or use hooks. I suggest using hooks if you know how. Either way

the change to the code is the same find /skins/[YOURSKIN]/customer/views/categories/view.tpl.

change the below line:

{math equation="ceil(n/c)" assign="rows" n=$subcategories|count c=$columns|default:"2"}


{math equation="ceil(n/c)" assign="rows" n=$subcategories|count c=4}

I think that should do it.

Thanks m8 ill try it later on my test server to se how it works :-)

i dont know how to use hooks. so a quik edit of the main file and document it is the best solution for me.

that workd perfeckt m8 thanks. now categorys whit a large number of sub categorys show in 4 rows. and small number still shows in 1 row. perfect m8 :mrgreen: thanks

(from 6 it shows in 4 rows below 6 it shows in 1 row)

That Work perfect … thank's solesurvivor