2.0.7 is a disaster

I have several clients using cs-cart. There were problems in 2.0.6 related to javascript/AJAX (what else is new). However, when these clients (including my own site) upgraded to 2.0.7 disaster struck.

SEO for hierarchical ‘pages’ is completely broken and if you used hierarchical pages in 2.0.6 then after upgrading to 2.0.7 NO LINKS even non-hierarchical) work anymore.

Javascript has regressed again (getting so tired of this). While a problem with FF was fixed, customer can no longer add items to the cart if using IE6 or Chrome. Is anyone else seeing this problem? Since AJAX is used, there is rarely any useful info to identify the problem. It just goes off into never-never land.

There are numerous other problems related to product imports, estimated shipping cost not showing the the product total unless page is refreshed, bestsellers now broken, etc…

Very disappointed in the 2.0.7 release.

I also learned that a ‘revert’ is not really a ‘revert’ but rather a ‘restore’. So if you revert from 2.0.7 to 2.0.6 you will loose all orders that were placed while running 2.0.7. This is so silly since the only change that happened to the orders table is that a column was added. Hence the data should work fine with 2.0.6 but the "process’ forces you to use the old data!

Anyone else experiencing similar problems?

[quote name=‘tbirnseth’]However, when these clients (including my own site) upgraded to 2.0.7 disaster struck.[/QUOTE]

Agree, same on my both sites. Support refuses to admit it is their fault, it is my servers configuration causes white screen, while upgrade

[QUOTE]SEO for hierarchical ‘pages’ is completely broken and if you used hierarchical pages in 2.0.6 then after upgrading to 2.0.7 NO LINKS even non-hierarchical) work anymore.[/QUOTE]

SEO works on emenu, rest like plain, dynamic or hor manu mod do not work with seo on 2.07

[QUOTE]Javascript has regressed again (getting so tired of this). While a problem with FF was fixed, customer can no longer add items to the cart if using IE6 or Chrome. Is anyone else seeing this problem? Since AJAX is used, there is rarely any useful info to identify the problem. It just goes off into never-never land.[/QUOTE]

Add to cart does work on my site with all browsers, however I did fresh install and imported db from bad upgraded 2.07 shop

[QUOTE]There are numerous other problems related to product imports, estimated shipping cost not showing the the product total unless page is refreshed, bestsellers now broken, etc…[/QUOTE]

I paid support time & credits to get various mods, all of them were lost now, some that were not installed by them but described how simply do not work. For example in admin page, order details with product thumb picture, same in customers order details page.

Will I have to pay support time for same mods for every release? I’ve seen talks about 2.08 already…

[QUOTE]Very disappointed in the 2.0.7 release.[/QUOTE]

I double this…

Using CyberLNC hosting and everything works well.

About JS, Hot Deals block is not quite accessible if JS is disabled. I hope this will be improved on the next version.

Waiting for more feedback to find out the truth.

BTW, I’m sorry to hear that both of your sites have serious problems. So I hope more people will give feedback and let’s see how cs-cart will improve in the next upgrade.

God forbid you have to restore your database.

Importing of just about anything has ISSUES.

If you are importing products. Sometimes the prices do not show up and or the product options do not show up. Or the import process just quits right in the middle. Same with restoring a database.

Whats the point of backing up then. This has become a train wreck. I am in the middle of a new install as I can not restore. I am seriously thinking of other options for my store. It’s up right now but has ISSUES

Are you trying to import products via csv?

Are you restoring same version db?

In my case I got white screen freeze while upgrade. What I did was copying manually admin.php, index.php, prepare.php to root of cart

After this I was able to run admin backend. I had made lots of backups before running update, however I did not had 2.06 version install, in helpdesk only 2.07 was available.

So I was able to access admin panel and make full store backup. On other unused domain I installed fresh 2.07 and imported db from wrecked store 100% successfully. In linux server I just switched public_html folders from temp install to wrecked domain path, changed file ownership, changed config.local.php to correct domain name. Done.

PS doing this with shared hosting I imagine would be lot trickier or moving files via ftp very time consuming.

[quote name=‘CutRiteFX’]God forbid you have to restore your database.

Importing of just about anything has ISSUES.

If you are importing products. Sometimes the prices do not show up and or the product options do not show up. Or the import process just quits right in the middle. Same with restoring a database.

Whats the point of backing up then. This has become a train wreck. I am in the middle of a new install as I can not restore. I am seriously thinking of other options for my store. It’s up right now but has ISSUES[/QUOTE]

2.08 will be released sometime next week…


Yes same database version.

And tried importing the regular database and it will not complete.

Also tried importing products per csv and it will not take all the product

info over. Price and Options are not imported.

Maybe I should switch to dedicated hosting.

[quote name=‘snorocket’]2.08 will be released sometime next week…[/QUOTE]

Awesome. 2.0.7 is clearly CS-Cart Millennium Edition. bugs > features. But it is still working for our needs.

[quote name=‘CutRiteFX’]Darius,

Yes same database version.

And tried importing the regular database and it will not complete.

Also tried importing products per csv and it will not take all the product

info over. Price and Options are not imported.

Maybe I should switch to dedicated hosting.[/QUOTE]

For the price problem, you can refer to the fix here:


I’ve have the same problem, and this fix solved the price problem and SEO problem.

I’ve no problem importing options so far, main problems are with importing features which zeke had addressed most of them in the bug tracker.

Anyway, I do agree that this v2.0.7 version, in an attempt to resolve certain problems, created a whole lot more. Mainly due to them not doing sufficient testing with enough data, and assuming that their fix works for 1 scenario, it is working.

To tbirnseth, I agree with you in regards to the AJAX portion. Since they are using AJAX for a majority portion of the script, they’ve neglected to ensuring a proper debug framework. I’ve asked before if there is any debug functions/framework in cscart where I can activate to do in depth debugging myself, and the answer was to use fn_print_r.

And my grip with their use of ajax is that since they are already using a stable solid js framework such as jquery, they should have as much as possible, try to base their ajax functions on jquery library. Instead, it seems that they’ve coded an extra layer of ajax on top of the jquery ajax functions.

In fact this extra layer of ajax code is so rigid that when jquery upgrades to v1.3.2, cscart is unable to upgrade together, and have to use jquery version v1.2.6 in order to function correctly.

Not to mention, when debugging in firefox using firebug, which do provide debugging functionalities in regards to ajax. But since they are redirecting twice asynchronously, with the second redirection lost in translation, it makes it very difficult to identify the problems if there are any.

I waited and waited to upgrade to 2.0.7 to make sure bugs were worked out b/c there were so many that had trouble.

2.0.7 did not work well at all.

  • SEF URLS completely broken - categories did not use SEO name as per settings and .htaccess and were working correctly before upgrade. They no longer used /category-name/ but used index.php?dispatch=categories.view&category_id=165 style instead
  • static pages no longer loaded using /about/ - produced 404.

    I looked at addons/seo/func.php and a few other files; tried a few things including looking through the database in case URLs were stored in there, and nothing fixed the SEO issue.

    I didn’t wait to see what else was broken and reverted as soon as I realized there was a big problem. ANd, everything works again with 2.0.6