1.3.5 Mods Please

What are the mods that are compatible with 1.3.5? Are there any new mods available?

[quote name=‘paulesport’]What are the mods that are compatible with 1.3.5? Are there any new mods available?[/quote]

take easy dude. :stuck_out_tongue: the stable version just released today.


I know…lol. I haven’t even installed it yet. Keeps hanging after Database installs. I’m just soooooooooo excited for the Suppliers mod!!!

Basic supplier/dropshipper support is built into 1.3.5.


“basic?” why is there an advanced?

There is no advanced. I am saying that there is basic support for suppliers/dropshippers. Some may not consider this adequate. Have you reviewed what is available to see if it meets your needs or to determine if it is at least usable?


[quote name=‘paulesport’]“basic?” why is there an advanced?[/quote]

i suggest you do a fresh install and see what feature you like and need and take it on from there to see what custom mod that you might need.

Any mod can be bulit it depends on the requirements and needs.

I would reaaaaaaaally like a mod that when customers make a purchase, an email is automatically sent to notify the suppliers that are specifically associated with the product.

[quote name=‘paulesport’]I would reaaaaaaaally like a mod that when customers make a purchase, an email is automatically sent to notify the suppliers that are specifically associated with the product.[/QUOTE]

I have put in a feature request for this. This really seems like a major oversight since there is no way to automatically create any document which shows only those items that a supplier is responsible for shipping.
