Your Add-On Needs A New Hook In Cs-Cart. Post It Here.

Please add post hooks to getAvailable, get and getSimpleLanguages functions (app/Tygh/Languages/Languages.php)


Please add template hooks for adding additional fields/table columns in:





{hook name="banners:general_content"}

{hook name="banners:manage_header"}{/hook}

{hook name="banners:manage_data"}{/hook}


Hello. We implemented these hooks and they will be available in the closest release. Thank you for your participation. Here's a diff file to give you an idea of what to expect.

Please add the following hooks to app/addons/buy_together/func.php in the function fn_buy_together_get_chains().

Following the definition of the $fields array:

    fn_set_hook('buy_together_get_chains_pre', $fields, $params, $auth, $lang_code);

and (for consistency) just before the return of $chains:

    fn_set_hook('buy_together_get_chains_post', $chains, $params, $auth, $lang_code);

Please add hook


{hook name="products:product_categories"}

{math equation="rand()" assign="rnd"}
{if $smarty.request.category_id}
{assign var="request_category_id" value=","|explode:$smarty.request.category_id}
{assign var="request_category_id" value=""}
{include file="pickers/categories/picker.tpl" hide_input=$product_data.shared_product company_ids=$product_data.company_id rnd=$rnd data_id="categories" input_name="product_data[category_ids]" radio_input_name="product_data[main_category]" main_category=$product_data.main_category item_ids=$product_data.category_ids|default:$request_category_id hide_link=true hide_delete_button=true display_input_id="category_ids" disable_no_item_text=true view_mode="list" but_meta="btn"}

Please add post hooks to getAvailable, get and getSimpleLanguages functions (app/Tygh/Languages/Languages.php)

Please let me know the use case. I'm note sure if we need to add all 3 type of hooks (pre,sql,post) to these methods.

Please add the following hooks to app/addons/buy_together/func.php in the function fn_buy_together_get_chains().

Following the definition of the $fields array:

    fn_set_hook('buy_together_get_chains_pre', $fields, $params, $auth, $lang_code);

and (for consistency) just before the return of $chains:

    fn_set_hook('buy_together_get_chains_post', $chains, $params, $auth, $lang_code);

Planned for 4.3.6

Please add hook


{hook name="products:product_categories"}

{math equation="rand()" assign="rnd"}
{if $smarty.request.category_id}
{assign var="request_category_id" value=","|explode:$smarty.request.category_id}
{assign var="request_category_id" value=""}
{include file="pickers/categories/picker.tpl" hide_input=$product_data.shared_product company_ids=$product_data.company_id rnd=$rnd data_id="categories" input_name="product_data[category_ids]" radio_input_name="product_data[main_category]" main_category=$product_data.main_category item_ids=$product_data.category_ids|default:$request_category_id hide_link=true hide_delete_button=true display_input_id="category_ids" disable_no_item_text=true view_mode="list" but_meta="btn"}

Please let me know the use case why you need the hook.

We can not wrap it property of the product with hook.

Please let me know the use case. I'm note sure if we need to add all 3 type of hooks (pre,sql,post) to these methods.

Here is an example:

Please add a new template hook in:


Just above the row for the order total, please add a hook of:

{hook name="orders:additional_fees"}{/hook}

So we can add additional fees that have been applied BEFORE the order total and after the text info related to shipping and payment.

You have one on the backend, need a complementary one on the frontend.

Please add a hook around the entirety of the backend/templates/veiws/exim/components/csv_delimiters.tpl such as:

{hook name="exim:csv_delimiters"}



Almost every customer (especially the MVE clients) don't like the semicolon being the default delimiter.

Please add a hook around the entirety of the backend/templates/veiws/exim/components/csv_delimiters.tpl such as:

{hook name="exim:csv_delimiters"}



Almost every customer (especially the MVE clients) don't like the semicolon being the default delimiter.

One of the many reasons why it's frustrating that they took away the file comparison/conflicts. Although this file doesn't change much if at all.

But you could probably just override this template since it's the whole thing by putting your copy in:


Which would insulate it from upgrades but not let you see if any changes were made the original file. But in this case, probably zero risk.

Please add post hooks to getAvailable, get and getSimpleLanguages functions (app/Tygh/Languages/Languages.php)

I apologize it took a while:))

It will be there, in 4.3.7

Please add a new template hook in:


Just above the row for the order total, please add a hook of:

{hook name="orders:additional_fees"}{/hook}

So we can add additional fees that have been applied BEFORE the order total and after the text info related to shipping and payment.

You have one on the backend, need a complementary one on the frontend.

Created a task for this.

But the hook most probably will be named "{hook name="orders:order_total"}" and will wrap the order total row.

Please add a hook around the entirety of the backend/templates/veiws/exim/components/csv_delimiters.tpl such as:

{hook name="exim:csv_delimiters"}



Almost every customer (especially the MVE clients) don't like the semicolon being the default delimiter.


Why don't you override this template in your add-on?

The hook will do absolutely the same.

Yes, you're right. Not needed to add a hook for this tiny template. An override will do.

Please add:





{hook name="product_features:view"}





{hook name="product_features:view_all"}

Thank you,
part of

Please add:





{hook name="product_features:view"}





{hook name="product_features:view_all"}

Thank you,
part of

Dear Valentin,

You need the hook that wrap the whole template product_features/view.tpl & product_features/view_all.tpl?

If you completely wrap the template this means you will override it?

Dear Valentin,

You need the hook that wrap the whole template product_features/view.tpl & product_features/view_all.tpl?

If you completely wrap the template this means you will override it?

No, I use .pre , thanks Imac

Please add a hook that either encloses or prepends to the summary order total in orders/details.tpl. Goal is to be able to add an item (such as a fee or additional charge) to the list of fees just above the total. Right now, the only way is to use the totals.pre.tpl which places it at the top above the descriptive info rather than ahead of the total with the rest of the fees. If enclosing, name it something like orders:summary_total and if not something like orders:additional_fees.