Your Add-On Needs A New Hook In Cs-Cart. Post It Here.

Without going through each, I would guess that the {caputre name="price"} area would use the underlying {$product_data.price} which has the hooks I mentioned. So it might be that you can hit all of these by doing what you need to do with the product_data hook(s).

Need a 'get_product_prices_post' hook at the end of fn_get_product_prices() in fn.catalog.php.

fn_set_hook('get_product_prices_post', $product_data, $auth, $company_id);

Seems like this function is starting to be used (but not used by fn_get_product_data() itself) for retrieving product pricing.

Right now there are several actions for retrieving the product price(s). This should really be consolidated into one interface so that price adjustment addons can be developed without having to duplicate code for 5 different hooks where pricing is retrieved from the DB. Suggest that ALL product pricing be done via this function to eliminate ambiguity. Would allow for one hook to be used.

Damn Tony. I didn't mean to open a can of worms for you. :P

It’s all good.

Not a new hook, just an extra parameter added to an existing one.

save_cart should also include the $user_type variable.


fn_set_hook('save_cart', $cart, $user_id, $type);

would become

fn_set_hook('save_cart', $cart, $user_id, $type, $user_type);

in app/functions/fn.cart.php:1472


Will be done in 4.3.5

There will be too hooks:

fn_set_hook('save_cart_pre', $cart, $user_id, $type, $user_type); - in the begining of the function

fn_set_hook('save_cart_post', $cart, $user_id, $type, $user_type, $_cart_prods); - just before the line "return true";

'save_cart' hook will be depricated, but will still be available until 5.x.x

Another hook suggestion for fn_create_order_details:

v4.3.1 app/functions/fn.cart.php:1093

fn_set_hook('create_order_details', $order_id, $cart, $order_details);


Planned for 4.3.5

There will be ability to change popularity and order_details arrays before the Insert query.

Will be done in 4.3.5

There will be too hooks:

fn_set_hook('save_cart_pre', $cart, $user_id, $type, $user_type); - in the begining of the function

fn_set_hook('save_cart_post', $cart, $user_id, $type, $user_type, $_cart_prods); - just before the line "return true";

'save_cart' hook will be depricated, but will still be available until 5.x.x

Planned for 4.3.5

There will be ability to change popularity and order_details arrays before the Insert query.

That's great. Thanks!

need a "discussion_posts_pre", "discussion_posts_post", "discussion_delete_post_post" hooks in app/addons/discussion/func.php

Please add a hook a the bottom of backend/views/companies/components/logos_list.tpl (outside the foreach loop) of:

{hook name="companies:logos_post"}{/hook}

So that other imagery can be added to a company such as examples of work, profile pictures, etc. Goal is to have all imagery on one page.

Please add a hook

fn_set_hook('companies_change_status_post', $company_id, $status_to, $reason, $status_from, $notify, $user_data);
in fn.companies.php within function fn_companies_change_status().

Just ahead of the notification/mailing functions. Goal is to be able to auto-add a usergroup to a vendor's user_data before the email is sent so that the usergroup will be included in the notification.

You could add a '_pre" hook too to keep things consistent.

Please add a hook in backend/views/companies/update.tpl such as:

        {capture name="tools_list"}
  • {btn type="list" text=__("delete") class="cm-confirm cm-post" href="companies.delete?company_id=`$id`"}
  • {**EZms added hook **} {hook name="companies:tools_list"}{/hook} {/capture}

    So we can add dropdown menu items to vendor (company) pages.


    Please add template hooks for adding additional fields/table columns in:





    {hook name="banners:general_content"}

    {hook name="banners:manage_header"}{/hook}

    {hook name="banners:manage_data"}{/hook}


    Please add hook in /app/addons/seo/func.php

    fn_set_hook('seo_url_before_pager', $seo_settings, $url, $parsed_url, $link_parts, $parsed_query, $company_id_in_url, $lang_code);


                        if (fn_check_seo_schema_option($seo_var, 'html_options', $seo_settings)) {
                            $link_parts['extension'] = SEO_FILENAME_EXTENSION;
                        } else {
                            $link_parts['name'] .= '/';


                        if (!empty($seo_var['pager'])) {
                        $page = isset($parsed_query['page']) ? intval($parsed_query['page']) : 0;
                        if (!empty($page) && $page != 1) {
                            if (fn_check_seo_schema_option($seo_var, 'html_options', $seo_settings)) {
                                $link_parts['name'] .= $d . 'page' . $d . $page;
                            } else {
                                $link_parts['name'] .= 'page' . $d . $page . '/';

    So we can add/remove uri pieces more easily

    need a "discussion_posts_pre", "discussion_posts_post", "discussion_delete_post_post" hooks in app/addons/discussion/func.php

    Planned for 4.3.6

    Please add a hook a the bottom of backend/views/companies/components/logos_list.tpl (outside the foreach loop) of:

    {hook name="companies:logos_post"}{/hook}

    So that other imagery can be added to a company such as examples of work, profile pictures, etc. Goal is to have all imagery on one page.

    Tony, we will do it a bit different, same ways as with categories in design/backend/templates/views/companies/update.tpl template

    So this:

    {include file="views/companies/components/logos_list.tpl" logos=$company_data.logos company_id=$id}

    will be replaced with :

    {hook name="companies:logos"} {include file="views/companies/components/logos_list.tpl" logos=$company_data.logos company_id=$id} {/hook}

    Please add a hook

    fn_set_hook('companies_change_status_post', $company_id, $status_to, $reason, $status_from, $notify, $user_data);
    in fn.companies.php within function fn_companies_change_status().

    Just ahead of the notification/mailing functions. Goal is to be able to auto-add a usergroup to a vendor's user_data before the email is sent so that the usergroup will be included in the notification.

    You could add a '_pre" hook too to keep things consistent.

    Function fn_companies_change_status will be renamed to fn_change_company_status. Functionn fn_companies_change_status will be depricated and call the new fn_change_company_status.

    We will add 3 hooks to fn_change_company_status.

    • companyies_change_status_pre
    • companyies_change_status_before_mail
    • companyies_change_status_post

    Also pre & post hooks will be added to fn_create_company_admin

    Please add a hook in backend/views/companies/update.tpl such as:

            {capture name="tools_list"}
  • {btn type="list" text=__("delete") class="cm-confirm cm-post" href="companies.delete?company_id=`$id`"}
  • {**EZms added hook **} {hook name="companies:tools_list"}{/hook} {/capture}

    So we can add dropdown menu items to vendor (company) pages.

    Will be like this:

            {capture name="tools_list"}
                {hook name="companies:tools_list"}
  • {btn type="list" text=__("delete") class="cm-confirm cm-post" href="companies.delete?company_id=`$id`"}
  • {/hook} {/capture}

    Planned for 4.3.6


    Please add template hooks for adding additional fields/table columns in:





    {hook name="banners:general_content"}

    {hook name="banners:manage_header"}{/hook}

    {hook name="banners:manage_data"}{/hook}


    We will consider this, will let you know the result within two weeks.

    Please add hook in /app/addons/seo/func.php

    fn_set_hook('seo_url_before_pager', $seo_settings, $url, $parsed_url, $link_parts, $parsed_query, $company_id_in_url, $lang_code);


                        if (fn_check_seo_schema_option($seo_var, 'html_options', $seo_settings)) {
                            $link_parts['extension'] = SEO_FILENAME_EXTENSION;
                        } else {
                            $link_parts['name'] .= '/';


                        if (!empty($seo_var['pager'])) {
                        $page = isset($parsed_query['page']) ? intval($parsed_query['page']) : 0;
                        if (!empty($page) && $page != 1) {
                            if (fn_check_seo_schema_option($seo_var, 'html_options', $seo_settings)) {
                                $link_parts['name'] .= $d . 'page' . $d . $page;
                            } else {
                                $link_parts['name'] .= 'page' . $d . $page . '/';

    So we can add/remove uri pieces more easily

    There will be a number if significant changes in 4.3.5 or 4.3.6 SEO func.php file due to this bug fix:

    So we can not add hooks yet, until we make sure that everything is working correctly.


    Please add post hook to the fn_get_simple_statuses function