Try The Advanced Import Of Products

I haven't messed with the addon enough to know if it works or not but it sounds like modifiers need the ability to combine data from different columns.

For example in crazysharks case with categories:

Category - $valuecolumn1"///"$valuecolumn2

Another example where you have separate inventory from different warehouses and you need to add them together for the amount/quantity:

Quantity - $valuecolumn1+$valuecolumn2+...

This is not working for now.

For now we are looking for the easiest solution. The things like using a value from another column may slow down the import and make it buggy(

One more Q.

What if you have 2 stores, then the store name must also set?

Above whas:

First field: Product_code - Second field: barcode - Third field: the amount of

96101 8,72E+12 4

96106 8,72E+12 6

96114 8,72E+12 2

96116 8,72E+12 9

96121 8,72E+12 13

96126 8,72E+12 3

96134 8,72E+12 0

96136 8,72E+12 14

96141 8,72E+12 8

96146 8,72E+12 2

I suppose you need to much only 1 and 3 columns, i.e. Product code and Amount.

This should work fine.

Hi imac

1- You are maybe wright but company sent this xml structure. All programmer dont now about xml stucture so we coudnt say all company your xml is wrong.

Example : I sent the private message before xml structure. This company is very old and has been doing the same since it was first established.

Soo if you build a flexible structure from scratch, there will be very few questions that come to you.

2- i coudnt add second image. how can add this??

3- in multivendor dev demo site cant work xml import.

2. Try to use "Advanced import: images" field :

It accepts all the images of product separated by comma, like,

3. Ok, We'll check thank you


Please allow .txt extension. I know it works because I simply changed the extension from .txt to .csv and it read the file just fine but the file will be downloaded from url as .txt.

It will be great if in the Product Import Advanced will be an option to map category. Now we need to replace categories in CSV file to format (eg. Electronics///Computers///Desktop). In vendors files categories are not in this format.

Thanks !

I suppose you need to much only 1 and 3 columns, i.e. Product code and Amount.
This should work fine.

Hi IMac,
For now i want only the first and third column, but in the future i will use column 2 for barcode.
Now in the import i set the first line, the second line NOT and the third line for import.
After the import, i get the error ‘ import the file’.

I suppose you need to much only 1 and 3 columns, i.e. Product code and Amount.

This should work fine.

Error is still there and ask 'Product type'


Hi Imac,

When i change the second field column to replace('search', 'P', 'subject') then the import works and no error.

Is this the good way?

Hi Imac,

How to do the import by Cron?

I must pickUP the file by FTP at the server of the client.


Hi richardfmm if second field dont use you were right but if you use all field how can you put product type so we can choose product type its useful.

Sorry, i dont understand you.

I have tested this addon and have a problem:

- impossible choose/save the csv delimiter

- can not be imported from URL protected by user and password

For URL try something like:

i want to say there category mapping field is good for usage.

1- i coudnt import category like this structure in

Xml Structure Like this
iphone x 8

Ä°phone, x.

2- And can use the product name in many places meta tag, meta description, product title, product search and so on, how do I do it.

3- i saw the other xml csv import "File Encoding" iso-8859-1 UTF-8 etc maybe its good idea for those with character problems

4- Some company gives Username Password for login, after Login then can take xml

5- in Selecting a file add "Select a file or enter a FTP" choice in google merchant center have get file from ftp acount why not we have

6- If have many products can have xml csv or file maybe good for usage

Only price "update existing products"

New Items: "Add" "Skip"

Existing Items: "Update" "Skip"
Identify Existing Products by Matching Field: "Model" "Sku" "MPC" "Product Code" "EAN" "MPN"
Items in store but not in file: "Ä°gnore" "Delete" "Disable" "Quantity Zero"
Products per import segment: "20" "50" "100" "250" "500" "1000"
7- Ä°n import Data menu Product import not show.

8- Cron Job is perfect solution for usage

9- if i get the file i see clicable link there. i click the "File -> General Setting -> File" link not run i get this result and get 404 page in dev.demo.cs-cart



Hi Imac,

How to do the import by Cron?

I must pickUP the file by FTP at the server of the client.

Take a look at this post:


Hi iMac. I am looking forward to this addon cs-cart for a long time. But none of them have a structure that can meet the demands completely. I have tested many xml products for a different product sample. I have seen some mistakes and think that it needs to be corrected. Having a slightly more flexible structure, I think that the wrong xml constructs that companies have distributed are suitable to fix faster.
I try to explain and write as much as I can about the mistakes I have encountered for this addon. I wish I could have a better structure.

Hi iMac. I am looking forward to this addon cs-cart for a long time. But none of them have a structure that can meet the demands completely. I have tested many xml products for a different product sample. I have seen some mistakes and think that it needs to be corrected. Having a slightly more flexible structure, I think that the wrong xml constructs that companies have distributed are suitable to fix faster.
I try to explain and write as much as I can about the mistakes I have encountered for this addon. I wish I could have a better structure.

Can you please send me more examples of XML files you are trying to import. Right now we are considering improvements in XML import