A Few Notable Developer Changes In 4.15.1


I have added some more convenient features for developers if they wish to use them in this new version. There are still many more changes I will have to stage in the near future, but for now there are a few minor, interesting tweaks.

Database transaction support

You can now use the shorthand `db_transaction` with a closure to do a database transaction. However, make sure you convert all your tables to a transaction supported table (such as InnoDB) before hand:

$result = db_transaction(function () {
    db_query('DELETE FROM ?:orders WHERE 1 LIMIT 1');
    throw new DeveloperException("Oh no, we encountered an error!");
    return "We deleted the order and no exception occurred";

Fully qualified class names as hook handlers

Hook handlers just got a bit easier to manage with some changes in how hook handlers are resolved. You can now pass a FQCN as a valid hook handler when using the new object oriented style for your addons:

 namespace Tygh\Addons\Example;

use Tygh\Core\ApplicationInterface;
use Tygh\Core\BootstrapInterface;
use Tygh\Core\HookHandlerProviderInterface;


  • Class Bootstrap

  • @package Tygh\Addons\Example
    class Bootstrap implements BootstrapInterface, HookHandlerProviderInterface

    • @inheritDoc
      public function boot(ApplicationInterface $app): void
      $app->register(new ServiceProvider());


    • @inheritDoc
      public function getHookHandlerMap(): array
      return [
      ‘get_orders’ => [

A new hook that allows you to log exceptions to e.g. Sentry

Like the title mentions, there is a new hook that now allows you to handle an exception before it is thrown by CsCart. You can take a look at `app/Tygh/Tools/ErrorHandler.php`.

 * Allows to process a fatal exception.
 * @param Throwable $exception The un-caught exception to be handled.
fn_set_hook('error_handler_handle_exception', $exception);