Accecpt terms before checkout with express checkout

On view cart page, before Paypal checkout button there should be a checkbox for term and conditions, which buy have to agree to before paying with paypal express checkout.


I don’t know about the view cart page, but you can enable terms and conditions for the checkout page in the administration/settings near the bottom. Here is a link on how to set up your terms and conditions page:


If you need this somewhere besides the checkout page than the code you need is:

function fn_check_agreement()
{if $settings.General.agree_terms_conditions == 'Y'}
if (document.forms[{if $settings.General.one_page_checkout != 'Y'}'summary_form'{else}'order_info_form'{/if}].accept_terms.checked == false) {$ldelim}
return false;
return true;

I tried moving this code, but can’t get it to work so if you need it somewhere else than maybe someone else can help you modify it.

I hope this was some help.
