Logo Missing In Invoice (Print Pdf)


We have a new issue that has happened around May 7th where the logo on the invoice does not appear in the PDF. If I click "Print Invoice" on an order, I see the logo in the HTML. But if I click "Print Invoice (PDF)" then I see no logo in the PDF.

Considering the CS-CART PDFs are generated somewhere that I have no control over, I wonder if something has changed on that environment that has introduced this issue. It is a little frustrating as we have no control over the change.

Has anyone else experience this issue?


If you use 3rd party addons for webp images, it can be the issue since PDF generator cannot work with webp format

If you use 3rd party addons for webp images, it can be the issue since PDF generator cannot work with webp format

Thanks... we don't, this is just a simple JPG that appears in the HTML email, but as soon as that HTML is sent to the PDF conversion it dissapears.

BTW, what is the story with CSCART PDF generation these days, I haven't looked at the code so I assume it is still done externally.

Yes, PDF generation was moved to separate addon but performed externally

As for the logo, examination is required. Try to upload your logo on the demo and check the result there