Zoom picture mod

Found some time to play again.

The zip is down at #12





Gotta love that mod :smiley:

Thanks Jesse, send you a pm shortly.

Sounds like a “zoombox”

Nice mod zardos. :smiley:

Very nice indeed :slight_smile:

like this mooood

Definately a very nice mod.

I will be uploading this mod in a few hours, if anyone would like it.

Yes, we would… Thanks.

Yes i like the Highslide Mod too!

Instruction Updated.

Here it is, and this works with all addons.

Edit index.tpl with the following.

Just under this [COLOR=RoyalBlue]{include file=“meta.tpl”}[/COLOR] add below lines.

```php [COLOR=Red]

[/COLOR] ```Change this in the same tpl [COLOR=RoyalBlue][/COLOR] with this below.

```php ```customer/product_pages/product_options.tpl around line 97 add the code in red.

```php // images
pr_i[{$id}] = {$ldelim}{$rdelim};
{foreach from=$product.option_image_pairs item="imag" name="ii" key="_key"}
pr_i[{$id}][{$smarty.foreach.ii.iteration}-1] = {$ldelim}
'image_id': '{$imag.image_id}',
'detailed_id': '{$imag.detailed_id}',
[COLOR=Red]'detailed_id2': '{$imag.detailed.image_path}',[/COLOR]
'options': '{$imag.options}'
{$rdelim}; ```classes/scripts/exceptions.js around 385, add the code in red and comment the code in green.

```php if (pr_i[id][row]['detailed_id'] != '' && pr_i[id][row]['detailed_id'] != '0') {
[COLOR=DarkGreen]// new_ref[id] = "javascript:fn_open_popup_image('"+current_location+'/'+image_index+"?object_type=detailed&image_id="+pr_i[id][row]['detailed_id']+"&window=popup', "+pr_i[id][row]['detailed']['image_x']+"+ 84, "+pr_i[id][row]['detailed']['image_y']+"+ 140);"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]new_ref[id] = ""+pr_i[id][row]['detailed_id2']+""[/COLOR]
if (document.getElementById('detailed_box_' + id)) {
document.getElementById('detailed_box_' + id).style.display = "block";
} ```customer/common_templates/image.tpl add the code in red and comment out this line.

```php [COLOR=Red]{*[/COLOR]assign var="detailed_href" value="javascript:fn_open_popup_image('$image_location$image_index?object_type=detailed&image_id=`$images.detailed_id`&window=popup', `$images.detailed.image_x`+84, `$images.detailed.image_y` + 140);"[COLOR=Red]*}[/COLOR] ``````php {if $settings.Addons.seo == 'Y'}
{assign var="image_location" value="$current_location/"}
{assign var="image_location" value="`$smarty.const.CSCART_HOST_DIR`/"}
{if $show_detailed_link && $images.detailed_id}
[COLOR=Red]{*[/COLOR]assign var="detailed_href" value="javascript:fn_open_popup_image('$image_location$image_index?object_type=detailed&image_id=`$images.detailed_id`&window=popup', `$images.detailed.image_x`+84, `$images.detailed.image_y` + 140);"[COLOR=Red]*}[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]{if $settings.General.images_location == "database"}
{assign var="detailed_href" value="$image_index?object_type=detailed&image_id=`$images.detailed_id`"}
{assign var="detailed_href" value="`$images.detailed.image_path`"}
{/if} ```Add all the js scripts to /classes/scripts/ =FancyZoom.js and FancyZoomHTML.js

Add the images-global folder to your CS-Cart root, example: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]cscart_1.3.5-sp3/images-global[/COLOR].

In the fancyzoom.js edit the full path to the global-images folder example: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]/cscart_v1.3.5-sp3/images-global/zoom/[/COLOR].

I hope that these instructions are a little clearer. ;):rolleyes:


Thanks you very much, i will reply here if i have test it! BIG THANKS for social sharing. If all the people here in the forum would be the way you would be the great community forum.

Can you help a lidle bid, how we should install it?

i am tired yet, its so early in the monring here :slight_smile: fancyzoom-instructions.txt is include :slight_smile:


I dont understand exactly how where i must copy the files to my server


The files i am sending have already been edited, so you can see what has been done

Edit index.tpl with the following.

Just under this ={include file=“meta.tpl”} add below lines.

Change this to below.

product_options.tpl around line 97 add.

'detailed_id2': '{$imag.detailed.image_path}',

exceptions.js around 385 add.

new_ref[id] = ""+pr_i[id][row]['detailed_id2']+""

The image.tpl you can just copy, but have a look first.

Add the js scripts to /classes/scripts/

Add the images-global folder to your CS-Cart root.

In the fancyzoom.js edit the full path to the global-images folder

That is about it. Have fun, any probs let me know.

1. You write Add the js scripts to /classes/scripts/ wich Scripts files? Do you mean copy the files fancyzoom.js and FancyZoomHTML.js to folder /classes/scripts/ right???

2. You write Add the images-global folder to your CS-Cart root. with wich structure? images-global/zoom/...... or zoom/...

3. Your write In the fancyzoom.js edit the full path to the global-images folder that ok too, we must edit this. You mean in the root the images (it is the globald-images folder) folder right???

4. But where we must upload the js-global, exceptions.js (for what i need this file??? please look inside), image.tpl, index.tpl, product_options.tpl,


[quote name=‘Triplex’]Thanks you very much, i will reply here if i have test it! BIG THANKS for social sharing. If all the people here in the forum would be the way you would be the great community forum.

Can you help a lidle bid, how we should install it?

i am tired yet, its so early in the monring here :slight_smile: fancyzoom-instructions.txt is include :slight_smile:


I hope i can help with my install instructions, if it anything wrong please write me i change this. THX Zardos

@Zardos PHP Version 5.2.0-8+etch11 and MySQL 5.0.32

Highslide install.zip

Hi Triplex, thanks for the pdf install instructions, but i think you need to change the name to fancyzoom, its great.

Tested this nice mod (not with reward points).

Working fine.

Thank you zardos, good job.

[quote name=‘ThomH’]Tested this nice mod (not with reward points).

Working fine.

Thank you zardos, good job.[/QUOTE]

Could you give me link so I can see it in action ? :slight_smile: thank u

I have this mod working as well and it works great with my installed addons but I don’t use reward points. Now I just need to figure out where to change the close functionality so its a little more clear. Thank you Zardos

Installed myself. Would be perfect but it does not have ability to see next image if you have added more then one. Thanks, great mod.