Unitheme Product Filters On Mobile


I am using UniTheme v1 on my store. I have product filters set up which work perfectly on desktop and tablets. I have had to hide it for mobile browsers at the moment because of an issue I have.

When the product filters drop down is opened, the filters are behind the product pictures instead of in front. I need to adjust the z-index of it to bring it to the top but I'm not sure where to make this change.

I have tried to add the following 2 lines into the custom CSS in Theme Editor but neither worked (I did use ?cc&ctpl)

.abt__ut__flying_block .cat-product-filters {

z-index: 10;


.cat-product-filters {

z-index: 10;


Any advise would be great!


Any advice would be helpful

I've found the issue. Had to change the following:

.stickymenu {

position: -webkit-sticky;
position: sticky;
top: 0;


.stickymenu {

position: -webkit-sticky;
position: sticky;
top: 0;
z-index: 100;