Service Unavailable After Enabling Reward Points

Hello, I have CS-CART 4.8.1.SP1. and VIVASHOP template.

After I enable reward points addon and made a few tests, when I login with the user I made the tests I get "Service Unavalable" error.

If I am not logged in, all is good, and only witht that user.

If I CTRL+U, the problems is:

PHP Fatal Error

Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function fn_format_rate_value(), 1 passed in /home/anemona/public_html/var/cache/templates/vivashop/36c5d21e62cb6248de52af6342884fc272faf9b9.tygh.login_popup.tpl.php on line 58 and at least 2 expected in /home/anemona/public_html/app/functions/fn.cart.php:4677
Stack trace:
#0 /home/anemona/public_html/var/cache/templates/vivashop/36c5d21e62cb6248de52af6342884fc272faf9b9.tygh.login_popup.tpl.php(58): fn_format_rate_value(0)
#1 /home/anemona/public_html/app/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(188): content_61e15131769b61_34769059(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template))
#2 /home/anemona/public_html/app/Tygh/SmartyEngine/Core.php(76): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch(‘addons/ecl_prom…’, NULL, NULL, Object(Tygh\SmartyEngine\Core), false, true, false)
#3 /home/anemona/public_html/app/addons/ecl_promo/controllers/frontend/ Tygh\SmartyEngine\Core->fetch(‘addons/ecl_prom…’)
#4 /home/anemona/public_html/app/functi

Error at
app/functions/fn.cart.php, line: 4677

If I check fn.cart.php on line 4667 I have this function:

function fn_format_rate_value($rate_value, $rate_type, $decimals='2', $dec_point='.', $thousands_sep=',', $coefficient = '')
    if (!empty($coefficient) && @$rate_type != 'P') {
        $rate_value = (float) $rate_value / (float) $coefficient;
if (empty($rate_type)) {
    $rate_type = 'F';

fn_set_hook('format_rate_value', $rate_value, $rate_type, $decimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep, $coefficient);

if (
    (strlen($thousands_sep) > 1 || strlen($dec_point) > 1)
    && (!defined('PHP_VERSION_ID') || PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400)
) {
    $value = number_format(fn_format_price($rate_value, '', $decimals), $decimals, '.', ',');
    $value = str_replace(array('.', ','), array($dec_point, $thousands_sep), $value);
} else {
    $value = number_format(fn_format_price($rate_value, '', $decimals), $decimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep);

if ($rate_type == 'F') { // Flat rate

    return $value;
} elseif ($rate_type == 'P') { // Percent rate

    return $value.'%';

return $rate_value;


Can anyone help me?

Thank you!

There is something related with custom addon created by our team for your store. Please drop a request on our website and temporary disable the module

Thanks, I will!