How To Add Date Type Field In Module Setting?


We have few queries regarding module configuration page:

1. How can we add date type field? Means when we click input box it should show calendar or something like that to select the date.

2. How can we use multiselect box?


There is no ability to add field with the date type, but you can add multiple selectbox


Thank you for your reply. Can you please let me know how can we add dynamic option in select box?



Thank you for your reply. Can you please let me know how can we add dynamic option in select box?


Please clarify your question in more details


Our question is that we are getting the order status in one function in func.php file and using this function in handler in addon.xml while creating the item but options are not getting added. So how can we add this?

In other worlds how can we add all the order status in a select box in addon setting page?


Use Call requests module as example

function fn_settings_variants_addons_call_requests_order_status()
    $data = array(
        '' => ' -- '
foreach (fn_get_statuses(STATUSES_ORDER) as $status) {
    $data[$status['status']] = $status['description'];

return $data;



call_requests - is the addon ID

order_status - is the setting ID