Subcategories Links Do Not Load When They Have Their Own Subcategories

So, we have categories header on the main page of our store. There are categories at the top.

I've noticed that when a subcategory has it's own subcategory, it doesn't have a link. Only third level and root categories are clickable.

As you can see on the image, subcategories that don't other subcategories under them are loading with links, however, subcategories that have children (third level subcategories) don't load with links. Only their subcategories (3rd level categories and root categories have links)

For example, in the screenshot you can see that:

Root category is Electrical, Charging and Starting. It has a subcategory that is Starter and Related Components. This subcategory has third level subcategory which is 123123. In this case, root category and third level categories have links but not the second level category.

In the lower

  • element where root category is Korpus & ŞüşəlÉ™r, you can see that it has only one subcategory without any third level subcategories. All of their links are loaded and working. Text-box class is wrapped into a link to the second level category.

    This is not the case with the first

  • where Text-box is not wrapped into a tag.

    I've tried changing topmenu_dropdown.override.tpl file but no success.

    Any suggestions?> IMAGE LINK