Billing Vs. Shipping Addresses

We are experiencing a problem with the Billing Address not being set upon Checkout when it differs from Shipping address

Here are the scenarios we have tested upon checkout:
*New User Account with Profile with no information filled out for Shipping or Billing to begin with. Upon checkout, Shipping and a different Billing Address are entered.
*Guest Checkout. Upon checkout, Shipping and a different Billing Address are entered.
In both of these scenarios, the billing address is set to the same as the Shipping address. You can see this behavior when you View Orders in the Administration Panel and when you view the Customer Profile.

In our system, settings.Checkout.address_position is set to "shipping_first"
I did some investigating, it doesn't seem that the
$ship_to_another flag is being set to true properly for either guest checkout or an existing account in /app/controllers/frontend/checkout.php.
I believe the issue is with fn_check_shipping_billing in fn.users.php. This is just a guess though.

Please make a post in the bug tracker. It looks like a bug

In our system, settings.Checkout.address_position is set to "shipping_first"
I did some investigating, it doesn't seem that the

Billing address is the address where you get your bill for the product you purchased. If you purchase a product from a company, the company sends you a bill through that address. Shipping address is the address of the company which you purchased the product from. You might have even noticed that the billing address and shipping address are different. This is because, when you purchase something from a website, almost always the shipping address is different from the billing address. The way this system works is that a company receives your order and packs it, then it is shipped to the address you entered while filling the order.