Notifications Login_Url Configuration

Recently started using the "User Groups" function, and noticed there's some problems with the login_url variable for the Profile related notifications.

The login_url is showing just as the storefront_url - https://website.cominstead of

Is there a way to change the variable somewhere? Or should I just do the change directly into the "{{ login_url|puny_decode }}" line of the notifications?

The URL is generated here


The URL is generated here


Thanks eComLabs! Had a look at the file, and I think it was beyond my basic knowledge. So decided to make the change directly in the Customer Notifications section of the Admin Panel.

Changed the
{{ login_url|puny_decode }}
{{ company_data.company_website|puny_decode }}

Also did the change from login_url to company_date.company_website, because I've realised that if we made any changes to the customers account details on their behalf, and had forgotten to select their specific storefront, they end up seeing the url for the main store (which is not the one they signed up on).

Hoping that change is alright.