Editing Items Per Page Return Internal Error


Im facing a problem with my (vendor store page), when i select to show 48 or 96 items per page it doesnt do that.

the maximum i can get is 24 items per page.!

Im facing another thing which is the pagination option is not available even when i activate the option from Setting->appearance->Customer->Display the 'Pagination section' on the top of the listed object:

what can i do to go to the next page when viewing products.

Please share the URL where we can check the error

Please share the URL where we can check the error

I solved the issue it was with an add-on in the init.php file of that add-on

and for the items per page problem i solved it as well by detecting some products that looks like they are corrupted or something ! i made them hidden and everything works fine now !

thanks btw.

I solved the issue too with an add-on in the init.php file of that add-on