How To Customize The Product Reviews Css In V4.13.1

Having trouble modifying the CSS and the look and feel of the Product Reviews section.

Currently inserting the Custom CSS into the Theme Editor and no luck

Wanted to:

1. Limit how wide the Product Reviews Section get -- on a mobile device it is way too wide. need it to to be 100% width and not extend off the side off the page ... how to change the CSS or code to make less wide.

2. Hide the Anonymous Checkbox, maybe the Terms and Conditions as well...

3. Is it possible to add a margin when the Write a Review Pops up... it would look better if it has a margin of 20 or 40px... centered in the page

4. possible to reduce the size of the image drop area? It is very large...

5. Change the order of the Review Section..

6. Also made these CSS modifications in the Theme CSS Custom area and nothing is changing :

.ty-product-review-new-product-review-additional__write-anonymously-label {
visibility: hidden;
height: 0px;
.ty-product-review-post-message-section__title {
visibility: hidden;
height: 0px;
.ty-product-review-post-customer__date {
visibility: hidden;
.ty-dialog-caret:before, .ty-dialog-caret:after {
visibility: hidden;
height: 0px;
.ty-dialog-caret {
border: 0px solid #1c1919;
border-radius: 10px;
background: #f1f1f1;

Thank you :)