Removing T&c Checkbox For The New Reviews In V4.13.1

Glad to see the update to V4.13.1 has a new review section with a lot of more to comment about and uploading photos.
However, there is a "terms and conditions" box checkbox.

Is there a way to disable this?

You should edit the following template


You should edit the following template


PERFECT! That worked exactly. Took a while to relearn the "my_changes" directory structure, but have managed to make it work

You are welcome! Yes, template can be overriden with the addon

Hello... does anyone know how to make the width of the Product Reviews area not extend off the page on a mobile device? Currently having problems with it too wide and it makes a mobile site scroll to the right and left...

Cannot figure which CSS code to implement. please let me know if you have any ideas or ways to fix this

The ability to turn off/on Terms and Conditions for a customer to create a review should be inside the Administration area. It should be turned off by default.
Who would want a customer to read terms and conditions before they post a review?
I think this would cause people NOT to leave a review.
I wouldn't leave a review anywhere that made me click that I agree with whatever is on that page. That would be a lost review from me.