Admin Login Url

Looking for help from a technician, i had the usual ending of the admin URL change as suggested by CS Cart,. Now the URL come with additional text after the .php,

example: dispatch=auth.login_form&return_......

Does anyone know if this can be altered? I get problem logging in with every browser, then logged out in 10 minutes. Help anyone?

What do you mean by "change as suggested by CS Car"?

Sounds like you have changed it a little different, you just change 2 files

try this

when i log into the admin the URL should be example: www.johnjones.admin.php CS Cart advise is to change the admin.php to whatever, so i did. Now when i go to the admin it comes up as example: www.johnjones.admin.php?dispatch=auth.login_form&return_url=mary.php

This cause browsers to not log me in, or if it does, i get logged out while working, especially firefox and chrome.

This is default CS-Cart behaviour. The return_url parameter is used to redirect you back to the page you tried to reach. It should not cause any problem with login

Thanks eCom, I have been using CS Cart a long time and this is the only time i constantly encounter this issue. Especially with firefox it logs me out after about 5 minutes then refuse to accept the loggin it just did, got this with chrome too, but not with edge. Could it be something with the browser security settings, or the computer it self?

Thanks eCom, I have been using CS Cart a long time and this is the only time i constantly encounter this issue. Especially with firefox it logs me out after about 5 minutes then refuse to accept the loggin it just did, got this with chrome too, but not with edge. Could it be something with the browser security settings, or the computer it self?

Frankly speaking, we never faced logout issue. Try to contact CS-Cart support team