Showing Vendor Logo In Compact List

Hello i need help to add vendor logo in compact products list

any help please regarding that ?

Thank you

Product features are not retrieved from database on product listing. So you cannot just change template, changes in php are required as well

Product features are not retrieved from database on product listing. So you cannot just change template, changes in php are required as well

Yeah that what i feel i tried many functions ID to get vendor logo like product details But nothing work,

So it mean i want to play on php function as well,

Thank you so much

To get vendor logos, use something like

{$logos = $product.company_id|fn_get_logos}
{include file="common/image.tpl" images=$logos.theme.image image_width="120" class="ty-company-image"}

(!) Not tested

That worked for me >>> Big Thanks .

To get vendor logos, use something like

{$logos = $product.company_id|fn_get_logos}
{include file="common/image.tpl" images=$logos.theme.image image_width="120" class="ty-company-image"}

(!) Not tested