Hide Quantity Discounts Ask To Login?

How to hide quantity discounts? Meaning, part of block hidden with a link to sign in?


wrap content of this template with

{if $auth.user_id}

Then create the "sign_in_to_view_qty_discounts" languages variable and clear cache

(!) Not tested

Thanks for that.

In my_account.tpl login has such code to make popup not a link to login

{include file="views/auth/login_form.tpl" style="popup" id="popup`$block.snapping_id`"}

but if I use it then add to cart button does not allow to add products to cart until you login. If I remove some of the conditions or use your


it looses some popup styling and labels

You are trying to put form with login details to the form with product details. It cases the issue

You are trying to put form with login details to the form with product details. It cases the issue

So is there a way to have popup login in stead of redirect to login page? Also after login you are not returning back to product page. Thanks

So is there a way to have popup login in stead of redirect to login page? Also after login you are not returning back to product page. Thanks

Yes, div with login popup content should be placed outside the product form. Make sure that IDs on the link and div corresponds