Urgent Help Needed Cs-Cart 4.8.1 Multi-Vendor Rds Cpu Utiliztion

hello professionals,
we are facing cpu spike in our RDS(mysql), CScart is confiugred with nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu) on

EC2 - c5.18xlarge VCPU 72 || RAM 144

RDS (mysql) - db.m5.24xlarge Corecount 48 || VCPU 96 || RAM 384 ---- the spike gets to 96% utilization.

The website is very slow hardly can open and front-end open very slow and the backend is by any chance open

the EC2 cpu utilization didn't pass 15%

hereby a photo when i enabled debug mode these 10 queries is the top:
attached as attachment qu1.jpg and for the rds111.jpg
PHP7.3-FPM - php.ini
i set memo_limit to 2048
var_max_input to 10000

please advice.

