Buy Together: Button Add Combination Missing


I am running the "Multi-Vendor Plus" edition in version 4.12.1.

I tried to test out the "Buy together" feature according to this KB article:

Unfortunately the button "Add combination" is missing.

I am running just one storefront.

Product tab "Buy together" is activated generally (Design -> Product tabs).


Can anyone help me to sort this out?

Best regards



Are you logged in under root admin?

Are you logged in under root admin?

The "root admin" is the administrator with ID 1? The one who has a built-in membership with usergroup "Administrator"?

Yes, I am using that account. But unfortunalety, it does not work.

Best regards


Root admin should not have any user groups

Root admin should not have any user groups

This is would I meant with "built-in".

Yes, I used the root admin.

Try to uninstall and install the module again

Thank you, a new installation did not help. So I did more research.
Using the "root admin" seems to be the problem. However, if you work as "vendor admin" (via vendor administration), the button "Add combination" appears.
The variable $hide_controls seems to become true in the case of the root admin, because $runtime.company_id does not seem to be set?!
{if "MULTIVENDOR"|fn_allowed_for}
    {$hide_controls=($product_data.company_id == 0 || !$runtime.company_id)}
{if !$hide_controls}
{capture name="add_new_picker"}
{include file="addons/buy_together/views/buy_together/update.tpl" product_id=$product_data.product_id item=[]}
{/capture} {include file="common/popupbox.tpl" id="add_new_chain" text=__("new_combination") content=$smarty.capture.add_new_picker link_text=__("add_combination") act="general"}


Source: \design\backend\templates\addons\buy_together\hooks\products

Is it a bug that the root admin cannot use the buy together function in a multivendor shop?
I look forward to your response.
Best regards

Try to post it to the bug tracker. Looks like a bug

Try to post it to the bug tracker. Looks like a bug

I did so:

Thank you, @eComLabs !