I Want To Clone The Cart Page, And Have A Second Add To Cart Button That Send Item To A Different Cart List?

I know there're few things i need to duplicate to achieve this can someone suggest the best way to get this done?


Yes i want to have another list called watch list and another called collection list

Sounds a bit confusing for customers....As @Ecom notes, the 'whishlist' is effectively an alternate cart. If you can't meet your needs through a single additional cart (you can easily rename it with the language variables) then you will need to copy/clone the functionality and either add a 'type' to the wishlist or completely duplicate the methods/interface for adding to it and managing it.

Can you describe the business purpose for all these different carts?

Sounds a bit confusing for customers....As @Ecom notes, the 'whishlist' is effectively an alternate cart. If you can't meet your needs through a single additional cart (you can easily rename it with the language variables) then you will need to copy/clone the functionality and either add a 'type' to the wishlist or completely duplicate the methods/interface for adding to it and managing it.

Can you describe the business purpose for all these different carts?

The second cart will act as a buy it now channel, a cart i can clear then add the last item and go to checkout, without clearing the main cart. i have a buy now button that clears the cart and takes the last item to checkout but i want to keep the cart items and there's no way to exclude these items from the checkout and take the last one, this second cart will serve as a buy now route while the other serves as regular cart

I also want to have a list called watch list and collection list where customers can save their item

I also want to have a list called watch list and collection list where customers can save their item

just like wish list

The second cart will act as a buy it now channel, a cart i can clear then add the last item and go to checkout, without clearing the main cart. i have a buy now button that clears the cart and takes the last item to checkout but i want to keep the cart items and there's no way to exclude these items from the checkout and take the last one, this second cart will serve as a buy now route while the other serves as regular cart

if all you want to do is add a single item to the cart and proceed to checkout you could certainly look into modifying the free my_changes 'mode' that will enable you to add a product and proceed to checkout. I.e. you would alter the existing cart to your liking (or save it to a wishlist). You can get the module here: private/unsupported_scripts/checkout.pre.php.txt

The script is old but it should still work properly.

I tried this it didn't work, i want this to work like ebay, you can buy one item even tho you have other items in cart

how can i copy the cart content to compare list before running fn_clear_cart($cart); and the transfer cart content back to cart?

or save the cart item on session before running fn_clear_cart($cart); then restore after checkout?? thanks

I tried this it didn't work, i want this to work like ebay, you can buy one item even tho you have other items in cart

Please also pay attention to Buy in 1-click functionality

Please also pay attention to Buy in 1-click functionality

Yes this takes other items in the cart as well to checkout

I want it to take only the item a to checkout ignoring other items b, c, d in cart already, after checkout i can still see those items in cart

As said in #7, the script can be modified to do just the one item you want to purchase. But it will require modification. If you would like a quote to do so, please use the get a quote link in my signature and specify all your requirements surrounding that project.

As said in #7, the script can be modified to do just the one item you want to purchase. But it will require modification. If you would like a quote to do so, please use the get a quote link in my signature and specify all your requirements surrounding that project.

I tried to use the code you shared, i don't know how to skip the other cart content b,c,d and not include them when product a is added to checkout with the buy now button, that's the problem

how can i do that?

Again, since you do not understand the code, you should hire a developer to help you.

I don't have the money to hire a developer, that's why I'm asking, this question is still open for new suggestions, thanks