Show Amount Of Products In Order

How can I show number of ordered products in admin order details page?

Just was to double check if correct amount is put to box for packing.



Use something like

{$total_products = 0}
{foreach from=$order_info.products item=oi}
     {$total_products = $total_products + $oi.amount}

Use something like

{$total_products = 0}
{foreach from=$order_info.products item=oi}
     {$total_products = $total_products + $oi.amount}

This works well, but fn_print_r adds some weird styling..

Useing this

{$total_products = 0}
{foreach from=$order_info.products item=oi}
     {$total_products = $total_products + $oi.amount}


Thanks for help!

This works well, but fn_print_r adds some weird styling..

It is used for debug purposes only.