Only Show Price If Registered User Is Logged In

Hi all,

There are similar forum posts, but they don't help me.
I do not want to display the price of a product until the user is logged in (neither on the category view nor on the product detail view).
Is that possible?
Looking forward to your answer.
Best regards

Settings -> Checkout -> Allow shopping for unlogged customers -> Hide price and the "Add to cart" button

Thank you very much,eComLabs!

I changed this option from "Hide the Add to cart button" to "Hide price and the Add to cart button": now also the price is not visible, great!

But: now the SEO addon is throwing that warning. The behavior is reproducible by toggling between the above mentionend options.

Do you know why?


PHP Warning
reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given

Error at
app/addons/seo/func.php, line: 2967

File: app/addons/seo/func.php
Line: 2967
Function: {closure}
File: app/addons/seo/func.php
Line: 2620
Function: fn_seo_get_legacy_markup_data
File: app/functions/fn.control.php
Line: 120
Function: fn_seo_dispatch_before_display
File: app/functions/fn.control.php
Line: 586
Function: fn_set_hook
File: index.php
Line: 25
Function: fn_dispatch

Looking forward to your answer.

Best regards



We never faced such issue with the seo module. Try to return setting value back and check the result

Clicking "Refresh" (Manage-Add-Ons --> SEO) did the trick.

Thank you!